University of Virginia Library

Scen. 2.

Enter Dicæus Neptunes Priest following Olinda, led by two Nymphes Cosma and Glaucilla, before and after a Chorus of Fishers and Priests singing.
Go go thy countries ioy and iewell,
The seas and rockes were euer cruell;
Men then may pitty thee in vaine,
But not helpe nor ease thy payne.
Take then these tnares they lacest due,
For euer now alasse adiew.

Glaucus; to thee I frendlesse maide,
In these last gifts my vowes haue payd:
These once Olindas, now are thine,
This net, and hooke, this rod, and line:
Thou knowst, why here my sports I giue thee,
Hence came my ioyes, and here they leaue me.

Olinda, if that smiles were proofes of sorrow,
Sure I should thinke thee full of woe, and sadnesse,
but in so heaped griefe, when euery eye

Yeilds tribute to so great a misery.
Thou only smilst, why euery teare thou seest, is paid to thee—

The lesse I need to pay:
Gladucilla I cannot mourne, when I am married.

Married? now heauen defend me, if this be marriage,
So to be gript in pawes of such a monster,
And bedded in his bowells—

Olinda I should weepe,
And spend the short'nd breath that fate affords me,
In cursing fate which makes my breath so short.

Peace peace my Cosma, thou wouldst
Haue me mad with reason!

No: reason is neuer sencelesse.

Thinkst thou me sence lesse friend?

Dost not thou proue it?

Why my Glaucilla I see thy drowned eyes,
I feele thy kinde imbracements, and which thou seest not,
Nor feelst, I feele and see, more mirth and ioy
Spring in my heart; then if I now were leading
To the best bed that Sicely affords me.
Glaucilla if there were but fit occasion
That I might shew thee this tormented heart,
It would affright thee friend to heare me tell
How many deaths liue in so narrow Hell.

We stay too long; goe on these idle teares
Quench not her griefe, but adde new kindled feares.

Decæus; no feare within this brest is lying.
Who liuing dies, feares not to liue by dying.

Exeunt ad rupem rufam manent reliqui.