University of Virginia Library

Scen. II.

manet Egysteus.
And that shall be ere long, tush (shall be's) slow,
My vengefull thoughts tell mee thou now art dead.
Fie faint Apollo, weakling infant-God,
Why wouldst thou let lame Vulcan's hammers beat
Downe those braue Turrets which thou help'dst to build?
Venus, I see thou art a woman now,
Which here are like to take a double foyle,
For me, that whilome reueld in thy campe
In the sweet pleasures of incestuous sheets
Must leaue our lou'd vnsatiate desires:
But now begin, thou blacke Eumenides,
You hand-mayds of great Dis, let such a flame
Of anger burne mee, as doth Etna's forge,
On fury, on, our hate shall not die thus:
I'll draw my poysonous arrow to the length,
That it may hit the marke and fly with strength.