University of Virginia Library

The Epilogue at Court.

Nay stay, poore pilgrims, when I entred first
The circle of this bright celestiall Sphære,
I wept for ioy, now I could weepe for feare.

I feare we all like mortall men shall proue,
Weake (not in loue) but in expressing loue.

Let euery one beg once more on his knee,
One pardon for himselfe, and one for mee,
For I intic'd you hither: O deere Goddesse,
Breathe life in our nombd spirits with one smile,
And from this cold earth, we with liuely soules
Shal rise like men (new-borne) & make heau'n sound
With Hymnes sung to thy name, and praiers that we
May once a yeere so oft enioy this sight,
Til these yōg boyes change their curld locks to white,
And when gray-winged Age sits on their heads,
That so their children may supply their Steads,
And that heau'ns great Arithmetician,
(Who in Scales of Nomber weyes the world)
May still to fortie two, and one yeere more,
And stil adde one to one, that went before,
And multiply fowre tennes by many a ten:
To this I crie Amen.

Amen, Amen.

Good night (deere mistris) those that wish thee harme,
Thus let them stoope vnder destructions arme.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Tho. Dekker.