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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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Laughing morn with sparkling eye
Melts in radiance from the sky,
While her head with brightness crown'd
Sheds a thousand glories round.
Come, gentle May, by Flora fair,
And ev'ry sylph that sports in air,
Attended on thy smiling way;
Favonius, on thy breezy wing
Here waft the incense of the spring,
And on thy pinions play.
For in Britannia's raptur'd isle,
See! new-born graces lovelier smile,
Fresh rising splendour paints the morn,
The mild, the fair Eliza's born.
Soft as the brow of spring, whose top
Shakes with the dew's bespangling drop,
So softly shakes her flutt'ring hair;
While in its silken locks the Breeze
Entwining sports in playful ease,
And courts the whisp'ring Air.
Light as the perfum'd breath of morn,
Skims swiftly o'er the level lawn;


Light as the swallow's wing can dip
The wat'ry surface, is her trip.
Sweet as the wild Eolian lyre,
Whose untaught song the Gales inspire,
As soft they wake its trembling string;
So sweet she warbling pours along
Her soul-exhilarating song
On Zephyr's dewy wing.
Thron'd are Expression, Love, and Grace,
In the mild lustre of her face;
And Heav'n, as tho' 'twould leave the sky,
Shoots in the glances of her eye.
And ah! within that breast where Youth
Full oft' shall bring its vows of truth,
And Love sigh out its votive pray'r;
Still Virtue fans her vestal fire,
For there is all she could desire,
Or to desire could dare!