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Twilight Songs

Katharine Tynan

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The dumb child and the blind child
With God are housèd warm,
And He has gathered the crippled child
Within the curve of His arm.
The child that has no mother dear
Against His heart lies close,
What strange and wonderful tales they hear
Under the rose, the rose.
The sick child and the sad child
Are rocked on mighty knees,
The eyes of God are a mother's eyes,
His kiss a father's kiss.
Lost lambs are playing and straying
Upon the vermeil sod,
Dearest are they who never played,
To the full heart of God.
As He walks in His garden
In the cool eventide,
His lame lamb and His crooked lamb
Leap and run by His side.


He has touched the blind child's eyeballs,
And straight he doth behold
The Kingdom of God in living light
Of emerald and gold.
When all His birds are singing
Their love-songs fresh and clear,
The dumb child's singing, wild and shrill
Is sweetest in His ear.
When they lie down at evening
God knows their sleep is sweet
The garments of God have wrapped' them close
From their head to their feet.