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The Five Notions

By T. W. H. Crosland

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I goes unto a 'orspital to see a pal o' mine
'Oo's been shot through both 'is ankles a-fightin' in the line;
I finds that bloomin' 'orspital was a bloomin' workus ward,
An' to myself I says, says I, “Now, ain't it jolly 'ard?
It's Tommy this an' Tommy that, an' ‘Mind an’ slug the Boer!’
But it's ‘Try the Union, Tommy,’ when you've made your little score—
When you've made your little score, my boys, when you've made your little score,
You can go and be a porper when you've made your little score.”
I meets a chap from Montreal a-starvin' in the street,
'E'd done 'is bit at Paarderberg, an' 'ad no grub to eat;


“Why 'ave they brung me 'ere,” 'e says, “acrost the Eastern foam
An' made a cadger of a man wot's fairly snug at home?
O, it's Brother this and Brother that, an' ‘Kindly shed your blood,’
But, when you come to London, bein' a Brother ain't no good—
It reely ain't no good, my boys, it reely ain't no good:
They dump you into London—an' London ain't no good.”
The scene wos changed: I finds myself inside a big 'otel.
The tables groaned with vittles, an' the wines wos very swell;
I sees a row of bookets an' a blaze of 'lectric light,
An' I heard a fellar say, “Me lords—the 'ealth of Sir George White!”


O, it's 'Ero this an' 'Ero that, an' the ladies smile so sweet,
While the common British Tommy gets the workus an' the street—
The workus an' the street, my boys, the workus an' the street,
The man that did the fightin' gets the workus an' the street.