University of Virginia Library



And quæstor dei, Brother of our hearts,
To whom we also wish the end in God,
A second pilgrim in the world of dream—
Though each to each unknown—bore Wine therein,
And up and down the wistful ways of sleep
A Blessed Chalice in his hands held up,
Through sleepways dark and light—most sacred gift,
He knew not whence, high sign put forth in sleep,
He knew not why. The fabled alkahest
Might so be pour'd, as from another world
On this—high spirit, potent to renew:
Yet craving was not still'd. As she with Bread,
He—darkly mission'd—minister'd in Wine
To multitudes who drank and were athirst.
She was not quench'd who fed the rest, while he
Went famish'd who bore Wine about the world,
And both knew grief, though less for want of theirs


Than service impotent in normal need
To cruel dearth of many. There were times
When all his office, all events therein
Seem'd moving through a world of images,
Of painted signs which signified in vain
For lack of life within him. Could he reach
The hidden meaning, life imparted then
Might make in very truth the wine he bore
A saving gift. In grace of other hours—
Rare visitants, as if from far away—
He felt that something waited to declare
Itself, the term exhibit and perchance
Put end to pilgrim life, from other souls
Two nomads of a realm wherein
They moved like living symbols, their dream-world
Itself a show which shows, divided each
From each, observe among the things they shared
In common, one enduring miracle:
The Bread and Wine between them borne and served
Were never wanting. Some unstinted spring
Renew'd the red juice of the mystic grape
In holy Chalice, as in holy Pyx
Was Bread renew'd. Most surely from one source
Of hidden power or grace in the unseen
Both came. Now, what shall follow if they be


Foremeant to meet at one or other point—
The man and maid? When Wine and Bread shall mix,
Will those who want in any place of dream
Be fill'd and satisfied? Will clouded term
Strip off its shadows and will eager eyes
Be lighted up with Knowledge?
Keep them, Lord,
Of secret ways and open. Stand about
The pilgrim-hearts who do Thy strange behests,
Till now uncertain that they come from Thee,
But yet with something of good will, towards Thine
Directed. Present in Thy Wine and Bread
Be Thou, the immanence in all, the life
And meaning. Lo, Thy sacraments abide
In all our paths and grace through them flows in;
Meet for the measures of our daily needs,
Our powers of true perception. Most of all
We have tried and proved Thy sacro-saintly food,
And unto some a saving door to Thee
Has open'd there. Beyond these ministries
Of Thine, all doors beyond, we look for Thee.
In waking life we hold within our hearts
Thy dream, and after Thee we strive in sleep:
Through dreams and waking aid, to reach our goal.


Till I can bless with fingers touch'd by Thee,
Bless Thou my Bread,
And bless the Wine by which I look to be
Through Thine all-ministering bounty fed.
In all my ways through earthly days
May food of earth become the food of soul
And food of souls sustain this earthly frame:
So under one control
Of sacramental law shall earth and heaven
Become the same.
For both one food is given,
And in Thy Name
For these Thy gifts I praise Thee. But if this
I can and dare, Thy gifts are less than Thou:
Send down Thy saving grace. Make sacred now
These hands, O Heart of Hallows, nor alone
For self in blessing; but that Food which is
My life of soul to others let me give,
That they may also live.
Thy valid consecrations by my own
Be in the shadow-types of words foreshown;
And Thou who art the Giver and the Gift,
To those who hearts uplift,
Be Thou made known.