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Poems by James Hyslop

... With a Sketch of his Life, and Notes on his Poems, By the Rev. Peter Mearns

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To Lydia.

Oft in the dark and silent night,
When sleep has closed nature's e'e,
Has my warm fancy wi' delight
In broken slumbers met wi' thee.
I see thee in the dark green grove,
Blooming in summer's flowery pride;
Wi' pensive pace like one in love,
Musing along the crystal tide.
Long my young heart, wi' love opprest,
Has hoped the happy moment nigh
When you would languish on my breast,
And breathe your love in many a sigh.
Oh! did'st thou know the secret flame
My heart for thee has long concealed,
Its purity, thou would'st not blame
That heart for having it revealed.
Had I not marked thy bosom's sighs,
My soul thy image ne'er had cherished;
But for thy warm and sunny eyes,
This flower of love had never flourished.