University of Virginia Library



With pleas'd exultance down he flings
The plumed casque, the belted mail,
His loyal panoply—and springs
To catch the incense-wafting gale,
While, with uplifted hand and eye,
He thus to Britain's Chief vows firm fidelity:—
I, who have sworn by Venus' doves,
By Dian's crescent, Juno's car,
By all the Graces, all the Loves,
Now invocate the God of war!
And to that Monarch fealty swear
Whom thrice a nation's filial zeal
Won to its deprecative prayer,
The parent of the public weal,
The King whose bright example throws
A living radiance round the throne,
Which with resplendent lustre shows—
That he who reigns o'er hearts must reign by love alone!