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Constance De Castile

A Poem, in Ten Cantos. By William Sotheby

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Knights, and fair dames, train after train,
Pass in their pomp to Aquitaine.
Through the wide world, wherever fame
Dwelt on the dark-mail'd Victor's name,
Wherever minstrel at high feast
With monarchs sat, an honour'd guest,
Where'er before a nation's eyes
Beauty to valour gave the prize,
His Heralds far and wide around,
Had spread, from realm to realm, the sound:


The voice went forth to tow'r and hall
That Bourdeaux' solemn festival,
Throughout the moon's whole course should view,
Day and night their sports renew;
Each day be tilt and banqueting,
Each night be mirth and caroling,
Mask and dance, and choral song,
And mysteries that delight prolong,
Till Aurora, blushing red,
Or bright suns, light the guests to bed.