University of Virginia Library

Like your great Master you your ease disdain,
And combat with the scoffer, want, and pain;
Instructed in th'inestimable worth
Of that great treasure, Heaven bestow'd on earth;
That precious boon, that Book of Life and Light,
Which sheds refulgence o'er a world of night,
You your “exceeding” joy would not disguise,
And brood with sordid pleasure o'er your prize.


Truth, noble, generous, longing to impart,
Conveys a genial influence to the heart;
Its element—is to dispense all good;
It feels for distant nations, brotherhood;
Embraces with one ardent grasp of soul,
Men of all climes from Ganges to the Pole.
Religion, true, with an Ithuriel touch,
May find the miser, but ne'er left him such.