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Gerard & Isabel

A Romance in Form of Cantefable. By Francis William Bourdillon

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[Ah, you should have seen him]

Ah, you should have seen him,
Ye that read my story,
Seen him spring to saddle,
Seen him sit the warhorse,
In his gleaming armour,
In his plumèd helmet,
In his curving cuisses!
And his father gave him
Gold to give in largesse,
Gold to spend in pleasure,
Servants to attend him,
Steeds for chase or combat,
Hawk and hound and palfrey.
All the country people
Gazed as he rode by them.
All the city people
Said, What Prince may this be?
All the Court and courtiers
Watched with jealous glances,
Saying, Shall this stranger
Oust us from our honours,
Push us from our places?
All the maidens whispered,
Oh, the goodly lover!
Who shall be his lady?