University of Virginia Library



“And I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband.”

The Holy Jerusalem
From highest Heaven descending,
And crowned with a diadem
Of Angel bands attending,
The Living City built on high,
Bright with celestial jewelry!
She comes, the Bride, from Heaven gate
In nuptial new Adorning,
To meet the Immaculate,
Like coming of the morning.
Her streets of purest gold are made,
Her walls a diamond palisade.


There with pearls the gates are dight
Upon that holy mountain;
And thither come both day and night,
Who in the Living Fountain
Have washed their robes from earthly stain,
And borne below Christ's lowly chain.
By the hand of the Unknown
The Living Stones are moulded
To a glorious Shrine, all one,
Full soon to be unfolded;
The building wherein God doth dwell,
The Holy Church invisible.
Glory be to God, who layed
In Heaven the foundation;
And to the Spirit who hath made
The walls of our salvation;
To Christ Himself the Corner Stone,
Be glory! to the Three in One.

(From the Paris Breviary, in Festo Dedicationis.)