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Leaves of life

By E. Nesbit

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'Twas April, when the brown birds sing
And woods with bursting buds are gray,
We sat and watched the face of Spring
Growing more lovely every day;
But ere the woods were green, or half
The blue eggs hatched, one sunny morning
We found that we were made to laugh—
You at my love, I at your scorning.
When Summer with her rose ablaze
Passed over all the trancèd earth,
We found the sumptuous burning days
Too stately for such trivial mirth;
And ere July had well passed by
We fell in love with melancholy,
And vowed that we were made to sigh—
I at my woe, you at my folly.


We walked among the beech-leaves brown
When Autumn crowned the hills with gold,
And as the leaves came drifting down
Love's story, needlessly, was told.
September's sun was gold above
The full earth's fruitful golden dower;
We felt that we were made to love—
I to love you, and you your power.
But when by paths made still with snow,
By gray-brown, lichen-covered trees,
One happy day we chanced to go
Under blue sky and biting breeze,
You slipped, I turned; a hand to give,
A hand to kiss—the play was over!
We knew that we were made to live—
I for my love you for your lover.