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It was a woodland Warwick lane
Where blackthorn housed the finch's stave;
There came a Gipsy group that bore
An infant to the grave.
In front of all the father strode,
The little case beneath his arm;
Fast down his sun-tann'd cheeks there rolled
The teardrops salt and warm.
His neck a scarlet kerchief bound,
His chieftain's head was duly bare;
His heart was in the box of deal
With baby lips and hair.


The mother went with tearless eyes,
One hand upon the coffin-lid;
The other clutched the breast that poured
Sweet help when baby bid.
A yellowhammer flew before
In golden jaunts, securely fleet;
None watched the living topaz fly
Along the leafy street.
O that those times had come again
When man, possessing more of worth,
Had God for closer neighbour here,
And prophets on the earth!
Alas, that none could stretch himself
Upon the perished Gipsy child!
No helper watch the father smile
As once the Widow smiled!


Death pushes to the bed of kings,
And stands betwixt the couch and lamp;
He stays the Maid of Honour's heart,
He shakes the Gipsies' camp!