University of Virginia Library



I may not see you, love, but I will greet you
With sweet blown bubbles, kisses of my rhymes:
Sleepless, my thoughts shall wander forth to meet you—
At odorous hours of dusk, at evening-times,
A vesper-song, a fairy peal of chimes,
Borne in upon your hearing they shall reach you,
Take form, and falling at your feet beseech you
To breathe a prayer for a lover in lonely climes;
I would, my love, that fancy's troop of kisses
Might fall upon you like a gentle dew,
A shower of shaken rose-petals, or a crew
Of elves to pelt you with bewildering blisses
And cowslip-balls, beneath sweet warm abysses
Of hay to smother you, as we used to do
In the hot hazy afternoons in hay-fields,
Hours of delight in childhood's pleasant play-fields,
Happy, amidst the green, beneath the blue.