University of Virginia Library


An Hymn to JUPITER.

To Thee, Great Jove! our Hearts, our Hands, our Eyes,
Thankful, we raise, Great Jove! to Thee, from whom
Whatever Good we or enjoy, or hope,
Came, and must come, to Thee Beneficent!
Grand Parent of the Universe! Supreme!
Almighty One! with Adoration, low,
Prostrate, thy Creatures fall; prostrate they fall,
Joyful, exulting, chanting forth thy Praise.
Thy Praise, whose Bounty unexhaustible
Eternal flows, on All thy Creatures flows,
But most on Man: Then most by Man be paid
Of Thanks, of Praise, of Adoration low.


Our Being first, Great God! we praise thee for,
That Man (not Fish, or Bird, or Beast, but Man)
Man thou hast made us, Man the Lord of all,
Of Beast, of Bird, of Fish, of whatsoe'er
Or swims, or walks, or flies, the native King.
For Life we praise thee much, for Reason more;
For Reason, glorious Gift! than Life more worth:
Man's grand Preheminence! in All beside,
Swiftness, or Strength, or Perfectness of Sense,
He nor excells, nor equals, but by This,
By This he reigns, superior, o'er the Brute.
Accept our Adoration, gracious King!
For Food, for Health: Accept our Thanks and Praise,
For all those Blessings which thy liberal Hand,
Magnificently bountiful! bestows:


Thee we adore for All: But most for One,
One Blessing! more than All: absent which One
Not All could make us happy, which alone
Refines the rest, and makes them worth our Care.
All Glory be to thee, great Jove! for Woman:
For Woman! Form divine! Creature Celestial!
Thy best, thy fairest Work! wherein compriz'd
Is all of Good, or Fair. How great thy Love!
How great thy Love to Man! when him thou gav'st
This last, this choicest Gift! This, last thou gav'st,
For, after this, what more was there to give?
All Glory be to Thee, great Jove! for Woman!
For all thy Blessings, Glory be to Thee,
But most for Woman! Woman more than all!