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Ille mî par esse Deo videtur,
Ille, si fas est, superare Divos.
Catull. Carmin. XXIX.

Blest as th' Immortal Gods, and far more Blest,
(Their careful Providence disturbs Their Rest)
Is the fond Youth, who, gazing on Thy Face,
Adores each dawning Smile, each rising Grace;


And sits and listens to thy Charming Tongue,
Whose Speech is Tuneful as the SYREN's Song!
Struck with the pow'rful Magick You dispense,
My Soul's disarm'd of ev'ry Guardian Sense.
A liquid Fire, piercing as Light'ning's Flame,
Darts through my Veins, and loosens all my Frame.
My languid Eyes, and fault'ring Voice confess
That NATURE faints beneath the sweet Excess.
Wrapt in Amaze, Confus'd, Intranc'd I lye,
Lost in soft Transports of Extatick Joy.
Wanton CATULLUS! idly dost Thou Rave!
Art Thou then sunk to be a Woman's Slave?
Sloth and Luxurious Ease are Dang'rous Things.
Beware—they oft have ruin'd mighty Kings.
Those Suns (when Love does once th' Ascendant get)
Who Rose in Glory, in Dishonour Set.