University of Virginia Library

Yet all believ'd her Vast Compliance true,
Who knew the Treaty was referr'd to you.
With William you were taught th'Important arts,
To win the Mild, and quell the Proudest hearts;
Bred in his Court, which Fame declar'd afar,
The Seat of Wisdom, and the School of War
In whom but you could ev'ry State confide,
To teach France Justice, and correct her Pride
And whom but you, my Lord, could William trust,
To make her pleas'd with those that made her Just?
You, who before our Monarch fixt his Choice,
Had been distinguisht by the Publick Voice,
To spread the Nations Glory, and declare,
VVe shine in Peace, as we prevail in War.
And when among our Rivals you appear'd,
They learn'd to love the people whom they fear'd.
The Pomp and Presence of your Entry shew'd,
Such Hero's were not form'd to be subdu'd.


VVith Rapture on the Glorious Train they gaz'd,
And scarce were more delighted than amaz'd.
So much they Joy to find their dangers cease,
You seemd to triumph where you carry'd Peace.