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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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No sooner had the Lady Morn in state,
Usher'd by Star, walk'd forth her Eastern gate;
From glorious Couch Rose-spread to take the air,
That still might seem with blushing Cheeks more fair;
Scatt'ring her Dew like Crystal Pendents round,
As Favours to adorn the fruitful Ground:
But straight beheld on large Ortesian Plain
(Prime Rendezvouz) great store o'th Pastor-train,

Arcadia famous for Shepherds.

Arcadian youth, most active Men,

Each walking from their Country-grange as then.
Young Females (last) conjoyn'd, that gaudy Day
Quick, early Risers too, but mirthful Play
Was their chief end, supreme; and more to grace
Pan's Festival, stil'd God of Sheep, that Place,


Each Shepherdess shew'd trim'd and beautifi'd
With handsom Garb; careless, neglected Pride;
Nice, formal freaks of Art could shun, forbear,
Tho flaunting too: good skins and Features there:
As Nature thought to th' World it should be known,
She was not ti'd to gorgeous Courts alone.