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Poems on Several Occasions

With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition

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Translation of Horace, Lib. I. Ode 23.
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Translation of Horace, Lib. I. Ode 23.

Young Chloe flies me, as a Fawn
That seeks her Mother o'er the Lawn:
Who trembles as she hears
The Wind that in the Branches plays,
The Lizards rustling in the Sprays;
And pants with thrilling Fears.
Not as the crafty Tigress prowls,
Not as the hungry Lion growls,
Do I thy Footsteps trace:
Thy tim'rous Soul then undeceive,
'Tis Time thy Mother now to leave:
A Lover gives the Chase.