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Songs, comic and satyrical

By George Alexander Stevens. A new edition, Corrected

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To it's own Tune.

Once the Gods of the Greeks, at ambrosial feast,
Large bowls of rich nectar were quaffing,
Merry Momus among them appear'd as a guest,
Homer says the Celestials lov'd laughing.
This happen'd 'fore Chaos was fix'd into form,
While Nature disorderly lay;
While elements adverse engender'd the storm,
And uproar embroil'd the loud fray.
On ev'ry Olympic the Humourist droll'd,
So none cou'd his jokes disapprove;
He sung, repartee'd, and some odd stories told,
And at last thus began upon Jove:
Sire,—Mark how yon Matter is heaving below,
Were it settled 'twou'd please all your Court;
'Tis not wisdom to let it lie useless, you know;
Pray people it, just for our sport.


Jove nodded ascent, all Olympus bow'd down,
At his Fiat creation took birth;
The cloud-keeping Deity smil'd on his throne.
Then announc'd the production was Earth.
To honour their Sov'reign each God gave a boon;
Apollo presented it Light;
The Goddess of Child-bed dispatch'd us a Moon,
To silver the shadow of Night.
The Queen of Soft-wishes, foul Vulcan's fair bride,
Leer'd wanton on her Man of War;
Saying, as to these Earth-folks I'll give them a guide,
So she sparkled the Morn and eve Star.
From her cloud, all in spirits, the Goddess up sprung,
In ellipsis each Planet advanc'd;
The Tune of the Spheres the Nine Sisters sung,
As round Terra Nova they danc'd.
E'en Jove himself cou'd not insensible stand,
Bid Saturn his girdle fast bind,
The Expounder of Fate grasp'd the Globe in his hand,
And laugh'd at those Mites call'd mankind.
From the hand of great Jove into Space it was hurl'd,
He was charm'd with the roll of the ball,
Bid his daughter Attraction take charge of the World,
And she hung it up high in his hall.
Miss, pleas'd with the present, review'd the globe round,
Saw with rapture hills, vallies, and plains;
The self-ballanc'd orb in an atmosphere bound,
Prolific by suns, dews, and rains.
With silver, gold, jewels, she India endow'd,
France and Spain she taught vineyards to rear,
What was fit for each clime on each clime she bestow'd,
And Freedom she found flourish'd here.
The blue-ey'd celestial, Minerva the wise,
Ineffably smil'd on the spot;
My dear, says plum'd Pallas, your last gift I prize,
But, excuse me, one thing is forgot.


Licentiousness Freedom's destruction may bring,
Unless prudence prepares it's defence;
The Goddess of Sapience bid Iris take wing,
And on Britons bestow'd Common-Sense.
Four Cardinal Virtues she left in this isle,
As guardians to cherish the root;
The blossoms of Liberty gaily 'gan smile,
And Englishmen fed on the fruit.
Thus fed, and thus bred, by a bounty so rare,
Oh preserve it as pure as 'twas giv'n;
We will while we've breath, nay we'll grasp it in death,
And return it untainted to Heav'n.