University of Virginia Library


Peter administereth sage Advice to very young Painters.

People must mount by slow degrees to glory;
'Tis stairs must lead us to the attic story—
Thus thought my great old name-sake, Peter Czar;
Who bound himself, in Holland, to a trade;
A very pretty carpenter he made;
And then went home , and built a man of war.


The lad who would a 'pothecary shine,
Should powder claws of crabs, and jalap, fine;
Keep the shop clean, and watch it like a porter;
Learn to boil glysters—nay, to give them too,
If blinking nurses can't the bus'ness do;
Write well the labels, and wipe well the mortar.
Before that boys can rise to master-tanners,
Humble those boys must be, and mind their manners;
Despising pride, whose wish it is to wreck 'em;
And mornings, with a bucket and a stick,
Should never once disdain to pick,
From street to street, rich lumps of album græcum.
Thus should young limning lads themselves demean;
Learn how to keep their master's brushes clean,
And learn to squeeze the colours from the bladders;
Furbish up rags—the shining pallet set;
Keep the knives bright, and eke the easel neat—
Such arts, to Fame's high temple are the ladders.
Young men—so useful are the arts I mention
(Believe me, not an atom is invention).
The instant that I pen this Ode, I know
A Jew-like, shock-poll'd, scrubby, short, black man,
More like a cobbler than a gentleman,
Working on canvass, like a dog in dough.
By Heav'ns! with scarce more knowledges than these,
He earns a guinea ev'ry day with ease;
Attempteth heads of princes, dogs, cats, 'squires—
Now on a monkey vent'reth—now a saint—
Talks of himself, and much himself admires
And struts the veriest Bantam-cock of paint.
But mind me, youths, I don't conceit advise,
Because 'tis fulsome to men's ears and eyes;
Whose tongues might cover you with ridicule;
And pray, who loves the appellation, Fool?
Yet, if in spite of all the Muse can say,
You will insist on going the wrong way,


And wish to be a laughing-stock—
Copy our little old black Bantam cock—
Whose soul, moreover, of such sort is—
With so much acrimony overflows,
As makes him, wheresoe'er he goes,
A walking thumb-bottle of aqua-fortis.

To Russia.