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[Poems in two Parts]

[by Samuel Slater]

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Doubt 3.

From the comparatively small number of Redeemed Ones.

I grant there is in Christ sufficient merit
To purchase Heaven, and make his inherit
Those peaceful blissful mansions, where he
Crowns all their hopes with full felicity.
His blood can make the blackest Black moor white,
And loathsome sinners lovely in Gods sight.


Of his Almighty power doubt who can,
I do believe him God as well as man.
But what of that, I hear, the number's small
For which he died. Had he dy'd for all,
I might have fill'd with comfort. But alas!
A little part of this corrupted mass
Was chosen out for honourable use,
Vessels of glory, whom the Lord did chuse
For his Cœlestial Temple; the rest will
As worthless silver be rejected still.
My reason tells me, if he would not crie
And pray for all, for all he would not die.
I fear of his dear little Flock I'm none,
Others may saved be, and I undone.

Be it acknowledged, that few there are,
Whom Christ redeem'd, shall in his merits share.
He saves not all the world, dy'd not for all,
Did not alike affect Judas and Paul.
Grant that, yet do not sink, the door is ope
To all that will come, 'tis a door of hope.
Christ dy'd for sinners, why then not for thee?
Either give reason, or believe with me.
Gods Decrees secret are, and who can read
His everlasting purpose? Nay what need
Of climbing Heaven, curiously to look,
Whether thy name be written in his Book?
That is a vain attempt, that course once take,
Thy soul thou'lt wound, & work for sorrow make.


There is enough in Christ, and none shall die
But such as do not to that refuge flie.
In him are safely Arkt persons unclean,
Who grievous sinners like to thee have been.
Haste thou for shelter too. Why this delay?
O soul, it must be done. Do it to day.
Wouldst thou destroy thy self? shall black despair
O'rewhelm and drown thee, now there's such a fair
And ready passage, leading to the Ark
In which thousands of thousands do imbark,
And are conveyed to a land of rest,
Where neither sin nor sorrow can molest.
Up, up, for shame, away to him with speed,
Who's call'd a Saviour, and is one indeed.
Do but go to him, yea go at a venture,
Into his gracious presence all may enter.
He never said to any, seek in vain,
All humble seekers shall his favour gain.
His promise is, if any one will rise
And make address to him, he in no wise
Will cast him off. Flee thou unto his grace,
So he in arms of love shall thee imbrace.
None e're departed empty from him. He
Is infinitely full, full out as free.
Haste to him therefore, haste, thy days do spend;
End thou thy danger, e're thy days do end.
Put in thy sickle, reap what he hath sown;
He's not thy foe, if thou be not thine own.
The invitation is, Whoever will,
Let him come hither, and here take his fill.


If thou wilt take, then Christ will give, believe;
Stretch out thy hand, he will thy wants relieve.
He is the God of Love, then to him go,
Thou canst not ask the thing he will not do.
Others have sought and found, asked and had,
Who sinners were like thee, as old, as bad.
Their good success should ease and chear thy heart,
Christ will do his, if thou wilt do thy part.