University of Virginia Library



[A dere god qwat I am fayn]

A dere god qwat I am fayn
for I am madyn now gane
ys endyr day I mete a clerke
and he was wylly in hys werke
he prayd me wt hym to herke
and hys cownsell all for to lene
I trow he cowd of gramery
I xall now a good kyll wy
for qwat I hade sicculy
To warne hys wyll had I no may
qwan he and me browt nuus [?] ye schete
Of all hys wyll I hym lete
Now wyll not my gyrdyll met
a dere god qwat I xall say
I xall sey to man and page
yt I haue bene of pylgrymage
Now wyll I not lete for no rage
wt me a [?] clerk for to pley