University of Virginia Library


Quhou Dame Iuno tyll Eolus cuntre went
And of the storm on the Troianys furth sent.
And on this wyss, wyth hart byrnyng as fyre,
Musyng alone, full of malyce and ire,
Tyll Eolus cuntre, that wyndy regioune,
A brudy land of furyus stormy sowne,
This goddis went, quhar Eolus the kyng
In gowsty cavys the wyndis lowde quhissilling
And braithly tempestis by hys power refrenys,
In bandis hard schet in presoun constrenys,
And thai heirat havand full gret disdeyn,
Quhill all the hill resoundis, quhryne and plene
About thar closouris brayng with mony a rare.
Kyng Eolus set hie apon his chare,
With ceptour in hand thar muyd to meyss and still,
Temperis thar ire, less thai suld at thar will
Beir with thar byr the skyis, and drive about
Erd, ayr and sey, quhen euer thame lest blaw out.
Thus the hie fader almychty in cavis dyrk
Thir wyndis hyd, for dreid sik wrangis thai wyrk,
And thar abuf set weghty hillys huge,
Gave thame a kyng, quhilk, as thar lord and iuge,


At certane tyme thame stanching and withhald
And at command also mycht quhen he wald
Lat thame go fre at large to blaw out braid.
To quham as than lawly thus Iuno said:
“Eolus, a pepill onto me ennemy
Salis the sey Tuscane, cariand to Italy
Thar venquyst hamehald goddis and Ilion;
Bot sen the fader of goddis euery one
And kyng of men gave the power,” quod sche,
“To meyss the flude or rayss with stormys hie,
Inforss thi wyndis, synk all thar schippis infeir,
Or skattir widquhar into cuntreis seir,
Warp all thar bodeis in the deip bedeyn.
I haue,” quod sche, “lusty ladeis fourteyn,
Of quhame the farest, clepit Diope,
In ferm wedlok I sal coniune to the
For thi reward, that lilly quhite of swar,
With the for to remane for euermar,
Quhilk propir spouss and eik thi lady myld
Sal mak the fader to mony fair child.”
Eolus answeris, “O thou my lady queyn,
Quhat thou desiris to the it doith perteyn
Forto devyss, and me behuffis thi command
Obey; for thou the ceptour gevis me in hand
Of all this realme (quhat so it be) and oft
Iupiter with me consideris, and ful soft


Causis me feist amang the goddis at rest,
And makis me master of wyndis and tempest.”
Be this was said, a grondyn dart leit he glide
And persit the boss hill at the braid syde.
Furth at the ilke port wyndis brade in a rout
And with a quhirl blew all the erth about.
Thai ombeset the seys bustuusly,
Quhil fra the deip til euery cost fast by
The huge wallis weltris apon hie,
Rollit at anys with storm of wyndis thre,
Eurus, Nothus and the wynd Affricus,
Quhilkis est, south and west wyndis hait with ws.
Sone efter this, of men the clamour rayss,
The takillis graslis, cabillis can fret and frays.
Swith the clowdis hevyn, son and days lycht
Hyd and byreft furth of the Troianys sycht.
Dyrknes as nycht beset the seys about,
The firmament gan rummylling rair and rout,
The skyis oft lychtnyt with fyry levin,
And schortly bath ayr, sey and hevin
And euery thing mannasit the men to de,
Schawand the ded present tofor thar e.

The cuntre or realm of Eolus, clepit Eolia, lyis betwix Sycill and Italy, vii ilandis in the sey, of quham thir be the namys: Lipara, Hiera, Strogile, Didyme, Eriphusa, Phenycusa and Evomynos. And for alsmekyll as thir ilis bein full of cavernys, wyth bryntstan blawand and byrnand onder the erd, that therby throw the swouch of the fir may be persauyt a day or twa befor fra quhat part or art the wynd is fortocum; and this Eolus kyng therof, as an naturall man, first be experiens persauyt this, and wald schaw the pepill therby, weill two or thre dais befor, the wynd was to blaw from syk an art, for the quhilk rayson, with the rud pepill, was he nammyt kyng or god of windis. And thai put that he had vi sonnys and vi dochtiris, quhilkis ar nocht ellis bot the xii wyndis, of quham the [namys], to begin at the est and go round abowt, bein thir: Subsolanus, Ewrus, Nothus, Auster, Affricus, Ȝephyrus, Fauonius, Circius, Chorus, Boreas, Aquilo and Wlturnus.

Iohn Bocas, be Eolus set hie in his chare to rewle and dant the windis, ondirstandis raison set hie in the manis hed, quhilk suld dant, and includ the law in the cave or boddum of the stomak, the windis of peruersit appetyte, as lord and syre set be God almychty therto.

Ilion, or Ilium, was the cyte of Troy, havand his naym fra King Ilus, fadir to Laomedon. The hayll cuntre was callit Troy fra King Tros, or Troyius, fadir to this Ilus. The awld naim therof is Phrigia, bot oft bein ather of all ther namys takin for other, as Troy, alss weill for the cyte as the realm. And heir, be a maner dispite, Iuno, for the pepill or gudis of Ilion, namys the hail cyte. Thir goddis bein clepit penetes, of quham in dyuerss placis eftyr, and in speciall in the thrid buyk in the first and thrid c. And thai may be callit goddis domestyk famyliar, or hamhald goddis, bot thai be propirly the Troian goddis and nain otheris.

For alsmekill as I hafe said abufe Iuno betakinnys the air, in quham blawis thir windis, and by quham the mater quharof windis bein engendrit beyn producit to ther perfection, therfor iustly and of rycht Eolus grantis him to hald his ring of Iuno.

Ewrus is heir taken for the gret est wynd, thocht it be bot the wind est to sowthin; siklyke, Nothus for the mayn sowth, thocht it be south to est; and Affricus is takin for plat west wynd, that is bot sowth sowthwest. And thus heir the thre principall gret windis contrarius blew attanys apon thaim, and the north wind also in the nyxt c., “A blastirrand bub owt from the north braying &c.”