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Trivial poems

and triolets. Written in obedience to Mrs Tomkin's commands, By Patrick Carey

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[I nere yett saw a lovely creature]


To ye Tune of—“Bobbing Joane.”


I nere yett saw a lovely creature
(Were she a widdow, mayd, or wife)
But streight within my breast her feature
Was paynted, strangely to the life:
If out of sight
(Though ne're soe bright)
I straight-wayes lost her picture quite.


It still was mine, and other's wonder
To see mee court soe eagerly;
Yett soone as absence did me sunder
From those I lou'd, quite cur'd was I.
The reason was
That my brest has
In stead of heart, a looking-glasse.



And as those formes which lately shined
I'th' glasse, are easily defac'd;
Those beautyes soe, which were enshrined
Within my brest, are soone displac'd:
Both seeme as they
Would n'ere away;
Yett last, but whilst the lookers stay.


Then lett noe woeman thincke that euer
In absence I shall constant prove;
Till some occasion does us seuer
I can, as true as any, love:
But when that wee
Once parted bee,
Troth I shall court the next I see.