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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Lucas: Exiit edictu.

This time was sent a maundement
ffrom Octouian þe emperour
that al the world, als he hade ment,
shuld writen be, both toun & tour.


Petrus comestor in historiis scolasticis capitulo xxxiijo.

The emperour coueitet forto knowe
the nomes of reumes redily
thurgh-out þe world al on a rowe
of quich Rome hade ful maistry.
ffor that time al þe world I-wys
tributarie to Rome was.
therfore þe emperour in his blis
wold haue writen iche place,
Prouince, shir, & eke cite,
how mony thurȝe the world þer wer,
and iche hede, als leue ȝe me,
that shulden tribute to hym bere.
He comaundet eke also
that all men in ich cuntray
to þe chef cite shulden go,
And a peny þer to pay.
of siluer shuld þat peny be,
ten comune penys hit was worthy,
And on hit writen was, leue ȝe me,
hor knowlachyng apertely,
And by þat peny bounden wer thay
fforto be obedient
to þe emperour of Rome for ay,
be that ȝyft with gode entent.