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Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, neque in ira tua corripias me.

Lord, in þi angir vptake me noght,
In thy wreth blame þow not me;
For, if my soule be throgh soght,
In many a synne my-self I see;
And drede rennith in my thoght
Þat thow wil a-wreked be;
But, Lorde, [thow] haast me dere boght,
Spare a while til I be fre.


Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam infirmus sum; sana me, Domine, quoniam conturbata sunt omnia ossa mea.

Mercy, Lord, for I am seke;
Heele me, for bresid be my bones;
My fleesch is freel, my soule [hath] eke
Ful grete mister to make mones.
But, when my cors is cast in creke
And depe doluen vndir stones,
Ihesu mercyable and meke,
Lese noght þat thow boghtist ones.


Et anima mea turbata est ualde; set tu, Domine, usquequo?

And my soule is disturblid sore;
But, Lord, how longe schal it be so?
If I do synnes more and more,
Thanne me must suffir peynes moo.
[I] lede a lyfe agayn thy lore
So wrecchidly þat me is woo;
But thy mercy may me restore,
Ther is no help whanne it is goo.



Conuertere, Domine, et eripe animam meam; saluum me fac propter misericordiam [tu]am.

Turne þe, Lord, my soule oute wynne,
Make me saffe for thy mercy;
For fowle with fethir ne fysch with fynne
Is noon vnstedfaster þanne I.
Whan I thenk what is me with-inne,
My consciens maketh a careful cry;
Therfore thy pytee, Lord, vnpynne,
That I may mende me ther-by.


Quoniam non est in morte qui memor sit tui. In inferno autem quis confitebitur tibi?

For in deeth is noon þat the thenkith on;
Who schal knowlech to the in helle?
Whan bodyes stynke[n] vnder stone,
Where soules been no man can telle;
Therfore, Ihesu, thow felle oure foon,
That al day on vs [y]elpe and [y]helle,
And graunt vs, or we hennes goon,
Þat we be waschen in mercy welle.


Laboraui in gemitu meo; lauabo per singulas noctes lectum meum; lacrimis meis stratum meum rigabo.

I haue trauaylid in my waylyng;
My bedde schal I wasch euery nyght,
And with þe terys of my wepyng
My bedde-straw water, as it is right.
Synne is cause of my mornyng,
I fele me feynt in goostly [f]ight;
Therfore I wepe and water wryngge,
As I wele owe and euery wight.



Turbatus est a furore oculus meus; inueteraui inter omnes inimicos meos.

Myne eghe for angir disturblid is,
I eeldid myne enemys amonge;
Wele I wote I haue doo mys
And greuyd God with werkes wrong;
And euer when I thenk on this
I crye on Criste with steuen strong,
And say, “[Lord Ihesu], kyng of blys,
To thy mercy me vndirfonge!”


Discedite a me omnes qui operamini iniquitatem, quoniam exaudiuit Dominus uocem fletus mei.

Ye þat doon wrong, gooth fro me alle,
For God my wepyng voys hath herde.
To his fote fayn wil I falle,
And be chastied with his ȝerde.
Now, curteys Kyng, to the I calle,
Be noght vengeable, put vp thy swerde!
In heuen when thow holdist halle,
Lat me noght be ther-oute sperde!


Exaudiuit Dominus deprecacionem meam; Dominus oracionem meam suscepit.

Oure Lord hath herkenyd my preyer
And receyuid my oryson;
Therfore I hope to haue here
Some p[rofi]t of his passion.
He sweet[te] blood and water clere,
For betyng was his body broune;
Thow that boghtist man soo dere,
Lat neuer feend drawe vs [a]doun!



Erubescant, & conturbentur [vehementer] omnes inimici mei; conuertantur, & erubescant ualde uelociter.

Sore a-stonyd and a-schamyd
Worth alle they þat myn enemys be!
Turnyd and with schame a-tamyd
Right sone be they, þat I may see!
The world, the feend, the flesch [be] namyd
Ayens man-kynde enemys three;
That I be noght thorgh hem defamyd,
Derworth Lord, I pray to the.