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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG IX. The first Canticle.
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SONG IX. The first Canticle.

[Come kisse mee with those lips of thine]


Come kisse mee with those lips of thine;
For, better are thy Loues then wine:
And as the powred Oyntments bee;
Such is the fauour of thy Name:
And for the sweetnesse of the same,


The Virgins are in loue with thee.


Begin but Thou to draw me on,
And then wee after Thee will runne:
Oh, King, thy Chambers bring me to;
So, wee in thee delight shall finde,
And more then wine thy loue will minde;
And loue thee, as the Righteous doe.


And Daughters of Ierusalem,
I pray you, doe not mee contemne,
Because that blacke I now appeare:
For, I as louely am (I know)
As Kedar Tents (appeare in showe)
Or Salomon his Curtaines are.


Though blacke I am, regard it not:
It is but Sun-burne I haue got;
Whereof my Mothers Sons were cause:
Their Vineyard-keeper me they made.
(Through enuy which to me they had)
So, mine owne Vine, neglected was.


Thou, whom my soule doth best affect,


Vnto thy pastures me direct,
Where thou at Noone, art stretcht along.
For, why should I be stragling spide,
Like her that loues to turne aside,
Thy fellow-shepheards flocks among!


Oh, fairest of all Womankinde!
(If him thou know not where to finde)
Goe, where the paths of Castell are:
Their Tract of foot-steps stray not from,
Till to the Shepherds Tents thou come;
And feede thy tender Kidlings there.


My Loue, thou art of greater force,
Then Pharaoh's troups of Charret-horse.
Thy cheekes, and necke made louely bee
With rowes of stone, and many a chaine:
And, wee gold borders will ordaine,
Beset with siluer studs, for thee.