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Certayne Psalmes select out of the Psalter of Dauid

and drawen into Englyshe Metre, wyth Notes to euery Psalme in iiij. parts to Synge, by F. S. [i.e. Francis Seager]

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Psalme. C.XXX. De profundis clamaui.

Out of the deape, I haue called
My grief (Oh Lord) shewyng:
Lord hear the voyce, of my request

Geue eare to my callynge.
O let thyne eares, enclyned be
To waye the words right wel:
Of this my voyce, and my complaynte
That I shew forth and tell.
Yf thou (O Lorde) wylte be extreme
And deale with vs this waye:
To marke what we, shall do amysse
Abyde it Lorde who maye.
Yet mercy Lord, there is with thee
In suche abundant store:

For whiche thou shalt, be dred and feard
Bothe now and euermore.
The Lords commynge, my soule abydes
And wayte wyll for it iust:
For in his lawe, is my delyte
And in his worde my trust.
My soule to the Lorde, takes his flyght
Before the mornynge tyde:
From day to day, my soule I saye
For the Lorde doth abyde.

O Israel, trust in the Lorde
With whome there is mercy:
Whiche of redempcion, hath suche store
As call we may plentye.
For he the people, of Israel
Wyll then redeme I saye:
From all the synnes, and wickednesse:
Of their deuyce and waye.

The Lorde to prayse vve are stirred
And hym to magnifye:
vvhiche doth vvith grace, al such indevv
As trust in hys mercy.