University of Virginia Library

[IIII. If I seeke to inioy]

If I seeke to inioy, the fruits of my paine

If I seeke to inioy, the fruits of my paine, She careles denyes me, with endles disdaine, Yet so much I loue her, that nothing can either remoue me, or moue her, Alas, why contend I, why striue I in vaine? in vaine, The water to mingle With Oyle that is Ayre, and loues to be single, Tis not loue but Fate whose doome I abide, You pow'rs and you plannets, which Destenies guide, Change your Opposition, It fits heau'nly powers to be milde of Condition. Change your Opposition, It fits heau'nly powers to be milde of Condition.