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[IIII. The first part. When Flora faire the pleasaunt tydings bringeth]
When Flora faire the pleasaunt tydings bringethWhen Flora faire the pleasaunt tydings bringeth, When Flora faire the pleasaunt tydings bringeth, of summer sweet, with hearbs and flowers adorned, the Nightingale, vpon the hawthorne singeth, and Boreas blasts, Boreas blasts, the birds and beasts haue scorned, the birds and beasts haue scorned, when fresh Aurora with hir coulours paynted, mingled with speares of
[V. The second part. All Creatures then with Summer are delighted]
All Creatures then with Summer are delightedAll Creatures then with Summer are delighted, the Beasts, the Birds, the Birds, the Fish with scale of siluer, Then stately Dames, by Louers arcinuited, to walke in meads, to walke in meads, to walk in meads, or rowe vpon the riuer, or rowe vpon the riuer, vpon the riuer. I all alone am frō these ioyes exiled, No summer grows where loue yet neuer smiled. No summer grows wher loue yet neuer smiled, wher loue yet neuer smilde, I all alone am from these ioyes
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