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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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VI. Luther no Reformer.

Lvther stil vaunts himself to be the

We dare boast (saith he) that Christ was first published by vs &c. Luth. epist. ad Argent. an. 152.


That by truth's beames the Romish clouds disperst.
Yet is it

Luther confesseth (saith the learned Protestant Hospinian) that he was taught by the diuel, that masse, and chiefly priuat masse is naught, and that being ouercome by the diuel's reasons he abolisht it. Hist, Sacram. part. vlt. fol. 131. See more hereafter IX. 2.

granted, Satan was the cause,

Which mou'd him first the sacred Masse t'oppose.
Why's Satan not Reformer then? 'tis true,
He is indeed: Let's giue the diuel his due.