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Piety, and Poesy

Contracted, In a Poetick Miscellanie of Sacred Poems. By Tho: Jordan

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The Dream.
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The Dream.

Me thought up to a barren Mountains head,
High as ambitious Babel, I was led
By my own gentle Genius, there to see
What was nere taught me by Cosmography,
The Quarters of the World; Casting my eyes
Full in the East, the glorious Sun gan rise
Just in my Face, his Beams had so much pow'r,
They spoil'd my prospect; yet before an hour
Was full expir'd, me thought the Sun began
His Declination, it backwards ran,
Or else my eys deciev'd me; all the Air
Me thought grew thick, as if it did prepare
To give the Earth a showre; for I could spie
The chanting Birds unto their Nests to flie,
Beasts to their Caves, the Night-bird to begin
Her dismal Note, as when the Day shuts in:
And now the Sun was turn'd to darkness to,
Night never was so dark, Day did nere shew
So opposetly light, so that my Hand
Could scarce declare where my own feet did stand:
My Senses all were numm'd, and did resign
Their Faculties; I wish'd the Moon would shine,
That, since I was depriv'd the short Days light,
I might receive som solace from the Night:
The Moon did rise, and yet no sooner shone
In her full Sphear of Glorie, but was gone,

And nothing was left to be understood
Where she declined, but an Orb of Bloud.
Lord! how I trembled then, so did the Hill
Whereon I stood, as if't were Sensible
Of this prodigious Change, the Stars did fall
As soon as fix, and now, were wandring all:
Where were (thought I) th' Astronomers this year,
They did not quote this in the Kalender?
Now down the Hill I creep'd, purpos'd to see
How the great City took this Prodigie:
I saw 't was full of Lights, ere I was there,
I heard the cries of Women, a great fear
Possess'd the Poorer sort, and such as those,
Whom, Heaven knows, had nought but Lives to lose:
The Rich were banquetting, ye might have spyed
In such a street a Bridegroom and his Bride
Wedded for Lust, and Riches; here agen,
A Crew of costly Drunkards, that had been
Making one Day of seven; there another,
Like cursed Cain, destroying his own Brother:
Yonder a Fourth, who, in as great excesse,
Wasteth his Soul with an Adulteress:
Ere I could turn to such another sight,
I did behold in Heaven a strange Light,
As if't were burning Brimstone, and, at last,
I could perceive it fall like rain, so fast,
I thought that Heaven would have dropt, I cry'd
All you that will by Faith be Justified,
Stir not a foot; this is the Fatal Day,
For which our Saviour bids you Watch and Pray.

Great Structures were but Bonfires, Turrets swom
In their own Lead, whil'st here poor wretches come
Half roasted in the Rain, and Mothers flie
Laden with pretty Children, till they die:
No Dug can still their crying, and each Kisse
The Mother gives, a showre of Sulphur is:
Letchers, Insatiate Strumpets, with their shames,
As they first met in fire, depart in flames;
No flattering Epitaph, or Elegie,
Hangs on the Herse of proud Nobility.
The Epidemick fires, at once, do fling
Into one Grave, a Vassal, and a King:
Our Judges leave the Senate, throw away
Their reverend Purple, and in Ashes pray
To that great Judge of Heaven, in whose Eys
Relenting Pitty, and Compunction lies:
Husbands embrace their Wives, but ere they part,
Both burn to Cindars, Death had never Dart
That gave such cruel Torments; some do flie
To Rivers to asswage their Misery,
But all in vain; for fire hath there more power
Than ever water had, the flaming showre
Is not to be avoided; all do run,
But none know whether; now my Dream is done;
For here I wak'd, and glad I was to see
'Twas but a Dream; yet Lord, so gracious be
To my request, that this Nights Dream may stay
Still in my thoughts, then shall I Watch and Pray;
Be ever Penitent with holy Sorrow,
For fear thou mak'st my Dream prove true to Morrow.