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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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The Supper of the Lord, and richt vse of it to be sung.
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The Supper of the Lord, and richt vse of it to be sung.

Ovr Sauiour Christ King of grace,
With God the Father maid our peace
And with his bludie woundis fell
Hes vs redemit from the Hell.
And he that we suld not forȝet
Gaue vs his body for to eit
In forme of breid, and gaue vs syne
His blude to drink in forme of wyne.
Quha will ressaue this Sacrament,
Suld haue trew faith, and sin repent,
Quha vsis it vnworthelie
Ressauis deid Eternallie.
We suld to God giue praise and gloir
That sched his blude vs to restoir,
Eit this in his remembrance.
In signe of thy delyuerance.
Thow suld not dout, bot fast beleue,
That Christis body sall releue
All them that ar in heuines
Repentand sair thair sinfulnes.
Sic grace and mercy nane can creif,
Bot thay that troublit hartis heif:
Feill thow then sin abstene thy sell.


Or thy rewaird sall be in hell.
Christ sayis, sinners cum vnto me,
Quhilk myster hes of my mercie:
Neidis thow nocht my Medicine
I lois my paine and trauell tyne.
Giue thow thy self thy Saull culd win,
In vaine I deit for thy sin:
My Supper is nocht graithit for the
Gif thow can mak thy self supplie.
Will thow thy sinfull life confes,
And with this wark thy faith expres:
Sa ar ȝe worthie small and greit
And it sall streuth ȝour faith perfite,
And thow sall thankfull be thairfoir
And loue thy God for euermoir
Thy Nichtbour lufe, and als supplie,
His neid, as Christ hes done for thee.