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Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

And Other Pieces from Laing MS. No. 447: Supplementary Volume: Edited with Introduction, Appendices, Notes, and Glossary by George Stevenson

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Blaird, baibling bystour-baird, obey:
Learne, scybald knave, to knave thy sell,
Vyld vagabound, or I Invey,
Cuistroun, with cuiffis the [to] compell.
Tryit, tratling trewcour, þe trewth to tell,
Stowp þow nocht at the secund charge,
Mischevous mischant, we sall mell,
In landward langwad[ge] we sall mell.
Quhairfoir, loun, as þow luifis thy lyf,
I bothe command and counsall þe
for till eschew this sturtsome stryf,
and with thy manlie maister grie.
for þis effect I sumound the
Be publict proclamatioune;
Cum and compeir vpon thy knie,
And kiss my fair fundatioun.
Bot, lord! I lawche to sie the bleitter,
gloir in thy ragmentis, rasche and raill,
with mankit, manschocht, mankit meitter,
Trottand and twmbland top over taill.
As carlingis comptis þair fartis, doyd snaill,
Thy rowstie ratryme, maid but mater,
I culd weill follow, wald I saill,
Or pres to fische within thy watter.


Onlie becaus, oule, þow dois vs it,
I will wreit verss off commune kynd—
And, swinȝeour, for thy saik refuis it—
To crab þe, bumlar, by thy mynd.
Pudlar, I pittie the so pynd,
To buckill him that beiris the bell;
Iak stro, Be better anes Ingynit,
Or I will flyt aganis my sell.
Bot breflie, beist, I ansser the,
In ssermone schort I am content,
And sayis thy similitudis vnslie
Ar nawayis verie pertinent:
Thy coyd comparisonis asklent
Ar monstrous lyk to the that maid thame;
Thy barking borrowit is vnlent,
Ȝit wer they waik let the invaid þame.
Also I may be Chawceris man,
And [ȝet] thy maister not the les;
Bot, wolf, thow waistis in cop and Can,
In gluttonie, thy grace I ges.
ga, drunkin dyvour, þe addres,
or borrow þe Ambassattis brekis,
To heir me now þei prais expres,
Knaif, if þow can, vnwait thy cheikis.
First, of thy iust genologie,
Tyk, I sall tell þe trewth I trow;
Thow wes begottin, sum sayis to me,
betuix þe devill and ane duin kow,
sa quhen the feynd wes a nicht fow,
In banket birland at the beir;
Thow sowkit syne ane broid blak sow,
Amangis þe middingis, mony ȝeir.


On ruittis and ruinscheochis on þe feild,
with nolt þow nurischit neir a ȝeir,
quhill that þow past both puir and peild,
Into argyle, sum guide to leir;
As, þe last nicht, did weill appeir,
quhill þow stuid fidging at the fyre,
fast fykand with [thy] hieland cheir,
my flytting forcit þe so to flyre.
Into þe land quhair þow wes borne,
I reid of nocht bot it is scant,
of cattell, clothing, and of corne,
Or welth and weilfair bothe dois want.
now, taidface, tak þis for ane tant,
I heir ȝowr howsing is richt fair,
quhair howland howlattis ay do hant,
with robene reidbrest but repair.
The cuntre folkis within the land,
I knaw, ar men of meikill rent
And luifing, as I vnderstand;
quhilk in ane Innes wilbe content
To live, and leave þair hous in lent.
In lent moneth, and long in summer;
Quhair tuelf knichtis kichingis hes a vent,
It will to furnes do þame cwmmer.
In stoir of lambes and lang taillit wedders,
Þow wattis quhair money cupple gais,
In scheilling, tyit fast in tedderis,
In felloun flokis of anes and twais.
Abreid, athort ȝour bankis and brais,
Ȝe do abound in coill and calk;
and thinkis, lyk fuillis, to fly all fais,
with targettis, twilȝeis, and twm talk.


Allas! puir hudpyk, hunger bittin,
Accustomit with scurrulitie,
bydand lyk bystouris all beschittin,
In feildis without felicitie,
Bair, barrane, but fertilite,
for fault of cattell, corne, & gersss;
Ȝour bankettis of sick vilitie,
deir of þe dog brane of þe merss.
woif, witles vanter, war nor wys,
cwstroun, þow wald “cor mundum” [cry].
Over laidnit loune with lang taillit lyse,
Thy doyttit dytmentis sone deny,
Trewcour, or I thy trumperie try,
And mak a legent of thy lyf;
for, flyt I aneis, folk will cry, “fy!”
Then þow wilbe warreit with ilk wyf.