University of Virginia Library

Of Sowyng' and Settyng' of Wurtys.

Wurtys we most haue
Both to mayster & to knaue
Ye schul haue mynde here
To have wurtys yong' al tyme of þe yere


Euery moneth hath his name
To set & sow wt-ouȝt eny blame
May for somer ys al the best
July for eruyst ys the nexst
Novembr' for wynter mote the thyrde be
Mars for lent so mote y the
The lond mote wel y dygnyd be
Y-dolue y-sturyd syre parde
Whan þu hast y-sow thi sede on long'
Foore wykys ther' aftur þu let hem stonde
Whan þe iiij wykes beth al ouer gone
Take thy plontys euery-chone
And set ham yn kynd fat lond
And thay wul fayre wurtys be & long
Wtyn too wykes þt thay beth y-sett
Thu may pul hem to thy mete
And so fro moneth to monethe
Þu schalt bryng' thy wurtys forthe
They þt schal bere sede lasse & more
Let ham grow to make the store
Of wurtys can y no more telle
Of other herbys her'after y schelle.