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The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, by William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from numerous manuscripts, with prefaces, notes, and a glossary, by the Rev. Walter W. Skeat ... In four parts

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PASSUS IV. Passus quartus de visione, vt supra.
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PASSUS IV. Passus quartus de visione, vt supra.

Cesseth,” seith þe kynge “I suffre ȝow no lengere.
Ȝe shal sauȝtne for sothe and serue me bothe.
Kisse hir,” quod þe kynge “conscience, I hote.”
“Nay, bi criste,” quod conscience “congeye me for euere!
But resoun rede me þer-to rather wil I deye!”
“And I comaunde þe,” quod þe Kynge to conscience þanne,
“Rape þe to ride and resoun þow fecche;
Comaunde hym þat he come my conseille to here.
For he shal reule my rewme and rede me þe beste,
And acounte with þe, conscience so me cryst helpe,
How þow lernest þe peple þe lered and þe lewede.”
“I am fayne of þat forwarde” seyde þe freke þanne,
And ritt riȝte to resoun and rowneth in his ere,
And seide as þe kynge badde and sithen toke his leue.
“I shal arraye me to ride, quod resoun “reste þe a while”—
And called catoun his knaue curteise of speche,
And also tomme trewe-tonge- telle-me-no-tales-
Ne-lesyng-to-lawȝe-of- for-I-loued-hem-neuere—


“And sette my sadel vppon suffre- til-I-se-my-tyme,
And lete warrok it wel with witty-wordes gerthes,
And hange on hym þe heuy brydel to holde his hed lowe,
For he wil make wehe tweye er he be there.”
Thanne conscience vppon his caple kaireth forth faste,
And resoun with hym ritte rownynge togideres,
Whiche maistries Mede maketh on þis erthe.
One waryn wisdom And witty his fere
Folwed hem faste [for þei] haued to done
In þe cheker and at þe chauncerie to be discharged of þinges;
And riden fast, for resoun shulde rede hem þe beste,
For to saue hem, for siluer fro shame and fram harmes.
And conscience knewe hem wel þei loued coueitise,
And bad resoun ride faste and recche of her noither,
“Þere aren wiles in here wordes and with Mede þei dwelleth;
There as wratthe and wranglyng is þere wynne þei siluer,
Ac þere is loue and lewte þei wil nouȝte come þere;

Contricio & infelicitas in vijs eorum, &c.

Þei ne gyueth nouȝte of god one gose wynge,

Non est timor dei ante oculos eorum.

For, wot god, þei wolde do more for a dozeine chickenes,
Or as many capones or for a seem of otes,


Þan for loue of owre lorde or alle hise leue seyntes.
For-þi, resoun, lete hem ride þo riche, bi hem-seluen,
For conscience knoweth hem nouȝte ne cryst, as I trowe.
And þanne resoun rode faste þe riȝte heiȝe gate,
As conscience hym kenned til þei come to þe kynge.
Curteisliche þe kynge þanne come aȝein resoun,
And bitwene hym-self and his sone sette hym on benche,
And wordeden wel wyseli a gret while togideres.
And þanne come pees in-to parlement and put forth a bille,
How wronge aȝeines his wille had his wyf taken,
And how he rauisshed Rose Reginoldes loue,
And Margarete of hir maydenhode maugre here chekis.
“Bothe my gees & my grys his gadelynges feccheth;
I dar nouȝte for fere of hym fyȝte ne chyde.
He borwed of me bayard he brouȝte hym home neure,
Ne no ferthynge þer-fore for nauȝte I couthe plede.
He meyneteneth his men to morther myne hewen,
Forstalleth my feyres and fiȝteth in my chepynge,
And breketh vp my bernes dore and bereth aweye my whete,
And taketh me but a taile for ten quarteres of otes,
And ȝet he bet me þer-to and lyth bi my Mayde,
I nam nouȝte hardy for hym vneth to loke.”
The kynge knewe he seide sothe for conscience hym tolde,


Þat wronge was a wikked luft and wrouȝte moche sorwe.
Wronge was afered þanne and wisdome he souȝte
To make pees with his pens and profered hym manye,
And seide, “had I loue of my lorde þe kynge litel wolde I recche,
Theiȝe pees and his powere pleyned hym eure!”
Þo wan wisdome and sire waryn þe witty,
For þat wronge had ywrouȝte so wikked a dede,
And warned wronge þo with such a wyse tale;
“Who-so worcheth bi wille wratthe maketh ofte;
I seye it bi þi-self þow shalt it wel fynde.
But if Mede it make þi myschief is vppe,
For bothe þi lyf and þi londe lyth in his grace.”
Thanne wowed wronge wisdome ful ȝerne,
To make his pees with his pens handi-dandi payed.
Wisdome and witte þanne wenten togideres,
And toke Mede myd hem mercy to winne.
Pees put forþ his hed and his panne blody;
“Wyth-outen gilte, god it wote gat I þis skaþe,
Conscience and þe comune knowen þe sothe.”
Ac wisdom and witt were about faste
To ouercome þe kyng with catel, ȝif þei myȝte.
Þe kynge swore, bi crist and bi his crowne bothe,
Þat wronge for his werkis sholde wo þolye,
And comaunded a constable to casten hym in yrens,
“And late hym nouȝte þis seuene ȝere seen his feet ones.”
“God wot,” quod wysdom “þat were nauȝte þe beste;


And he amendes mowe make late meynprise hym haue;
And be borwgh for his bale and biggen hym bote,
And so amende þat is mysdo and euermore þe bettere.”
Witt acorded þer-with and seide þe same:
“Bettere is þat bote bale adoun brynge,
Þan bale be ybette & bote neuere þe bettere.”
And þanne gan Mede to mengen here and mercy she bisought,
And profred pees a present al of pure golde:
“Haue þis, man, of me,” quod she “to amende þi skaþe,
For I wil wage for wronge he wil do so namore.”
Pitously pees þanne prayed to þe kynge
To haue mercy on þat man þat mys-did hym so ofte:
“For he hath waged me wel as wysdome hym tauȝte,
And I forgyue hym þat gilte with a goode wille;
So þat þe kynge assent I can seye no bettere;
For Mede hath made me amendes I may namore axe.”
“Nay,” quod þe Kynge þo “so me cryst helpe!
Wronge wendeth nouȝte so awaye arts wil I wite more;
For loupe he so liȝtly laughen he wolde,
And efte þe balder be to bete myne hewen;
But resoun haue reuthe on hym he shal rest in my stokkes,
And þat as longe as he lyueth but lowenesse hym borwe.”
Somme men redde Resoun þo to haue reuthe on þat schrewe,
And for to conseille þe kynge and conscience after,


That Mede moste be meynpernour resoun þei bisouȝte.
“Rede me nouȝte,” quod resoun “no reuthe to haue,
Til lordes and ladies louien alle treuthe,
And haten al harlotrye to heren it, or to mouthen it;
Tyl pernelles purfil be put in here hucche;
And childryn cherissyng be chastyng with ȝerdes;
And harlotes holynesse be holden for an hyne;
Til clerken coueitise be to clothe þe pore and to fede,
And religious romares recordare in here cloistres,
As seynt Benet hem bad Bernarde and Fraunceys;
And til prechoures prechyng be preued on hemseluen;
Tyl þe kynges conseille be þe comune profyte;
Tyl bisschopes baiardes ben beggeres chambres,
Here haukes and her houndes helpe to pore Religious;
And til seynt Iames be souþte þere I shal assigne,
That no man go to Galis but if he go for euere;
And alle Rome-renneres for robberes of [byȝonde]
Bere no siluer ouer see þat signe of kynge sheweþ,
Noyther graue ne vngraue golde noither siluer,
Vppon forfeture of þat fee who so fynt hym at Douere,
But if it be marchaunt or his man or messagere with letteres,
Prouysoure or prest or penaunt for his synnes.


And ȝet,” quod resoun, “bi þe Rode I shal no reuthe haue,
While Mede hath þe maistrye in þis moot-halle.
Ac I may shewe ensaumples as I se other-while,
I sey it by my-self,” quod he “and it so were
That I were kynge with crowne to kepen a Rewme,
Shulde neuere wronge in þis worlde þat I wite myȝte,
Ben vnpunisshed in my powere for peril of my soule!
Ne gete my grace for giftes so me god saue!
Ne for no Mede haue mercy but mekenesse it make.
For nullum malum þe man mette with inpunitum,
And badde nullum bonum be irremuneratum.
Late ȝowre confessoure, sire Kynge construe þis vnglosed;
And ȝif ȝe worken it in werke I wedde myne eres,
That lawe shal ben a laborere and lede a-felde donge,
And loue shal lede þi londe as þe lief lyketh!”
Clerkes þat were confessoures coupled hem togideres,
Alle to construe þis clause and for þe kynges profit,
Ac nouȝte for conforte of þe comune ne for þe kynges soule.
For I seiȝe mede in the moot-halle on men of lawe wynke,
And þei lawghyng lope to hire and lafte resoun manye.
Waryn wisdome wynked vppon Mede,
And seide, “Madame I am ȝowre man what so my mouth iangleth;
I falle in floreines,” quod þat freke “an faile speche ofte.”


Alle riȝtful recorded þat resoun treuthe tolde,
And witt acorded þer-with and comended his wordes,
And þe moste peple in þe halle and manye of þe grete,
And leten mekenesse a maistre and Mede a mansed schrewe.
Loue lete of hir liȝte and lewte ȝit lasse,
And seide it so heiȝe þat al þe halle it herde,
“Who-so wilneth hir to wyf for welth of her godis,
But he be knowe for a koke-wolde kut of my nose!”
Mede mourned þo and made heuy chere,
For þe moste comune of þat courte called hire an hore.
Ac a sysoure and a sompnoure sued hir faste,
And a schireues clerke byschrewed al þe route,
“For ofte haue I,” quod he “holpe ȝow atte barre,
And ȝit ȝeue ȝe me neuere þe worthe of a russhe.”
The kynge called conscience and afterwardes resoun,
And recorded þat resoun had riȝtfullich schewed,
And modilich vppon Mede with myȝte þe Kynge loked,
And gan wax wrothe with lawe for Mede almoste had shent it,
And seide, “þorw ȝowre lawe, as I leue I lese many chetes;
Mede ouer-maistrieth lawe and moche treuthe letteth.
Ac resoun shal rekene with ȝow ȝif I regne any while,
And deme ȝow bi þis day as ȝe han deserued.


Mede shal nouȝte meynprise ȝow bi þe Marie of heuene!
I wil haue leute in lawe and lete be al ȝowre ianglyng,
And as moste folke witnesseth wel wronge shal be demed.”
Quod conscience to þe kynge “but the comune wil assent,
It is ful hard, bi myn hed here-to to brynge it,
Alle ȝowre lige leodes to lede þus euene.”
“By hym þat rauȝte on þe rode” quod resoun to þe kynge,
“But if I reule þus ȝowre rewme rende out my guttes!
Ȝif ȝe bidden buxomnes be of myne assente.”
“And I assent,” seith þe kynge “by seynte Marie my lady,
Be my conseille comen of clerkis and of erlis.
Ac redili resoun þow shalt nouȝte ride fro me,
For as longe as I lyue lete þe I nelle.”
“I am aredy,” quod resoun “to reste with ȝow euere,
So conscience be of owre conseille I kepe no bettere.”
“And I graunt,” quod the kynge “goddes forbode it faile,
Als longe as owre lyf lasteth lyue we togideres.”