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A breefe Aunswer made unto two seditious Pamphlets

the one printed in French, and the other in English. Contayning a defence of Edmund Campion and his complices, their moste horrible and vnnaturall Treasons, against her Maiestie and the Realme. By A. M. [i.e. Anthony Munday]

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A Dialogue betweene a Christian, and Consolation.

A Dialogue betweene a Christian, and Consolation.

Christian speaketh first.
Is chaste Susanna in the Iudges handes?
Is Daniell left vnto the Lions iawes?
Doo Subiects breake bothe God & Natures bādes?
And Enuie seeke to put downe Peace her lawes?
Dooth perfect awe, and true Religion fayle?
Then may I feare that falsehood will preuayle.

No, Susans foes the Lord will cut in twaine,
and stop the mouthes of Danielles enimies:
Reioyce therfore, thou hast a noble trayne,
Armde by the Lord in most triumphant wise.
Whose life and death, thy quarrell will begin:
To vanquish falsehood, Sathan, hell and sinne.

Beholde of late, a Champion of their traine,
Confuted, foyled, yea, and vanquished:
With those who did like tretcheries maintaine,
In their deuises, they soone perished.
Lament not then, for Iustice holds ye swoord:
Who to them all, will like desert affoord.

Alas I mourne, and sit with sighing minde,
To see my natiue Countrey men rebell:
Against the onely Phænix of her kinde,
Who dooth in grace and goodnesse all excell.
And could proud Cāpion thinke to worke her woe:
O Lord cōfoūd them all, yt seeke it so.
What were his giftes, if we recount ech one?
A pregnaunt wit, I graunt to tretcherie:
A bad Diuine, seeking promotion,
A lustie man, detesting chastitie.
A gracelesse impe, sprung vp of basest kinde:
A simple man, to beare a loftie minde.
His pithie wisedome, style and eloquence,
Comparde with those of fame and dignitie:
Dooth open plaine his freends insipience,
His confutation prooues it woorthilie.

All the reportes, whereby his fame began:
Were neuer found to harbour in the man.
Then boast no farder of his dreadlesse minde,
Which rack nor roape, could alter as you say:
Recount his treasons, cruell and vnkinde,
And then his prayse will soone be layd away.
Your praise, his pōpe, nor al you haue in store:
Can make the man, the woorthier ere ye more.

Tis true in deede, their follie is in sight,
vnto their shame that take like thing in hand:
We needs must win, our Lord himself doth fight
The Cananites shalbe expulst the Land.
Yea, all the deedes of such vngodly men:
Shalbe confounded, nere to rise agen.
Campion his quarters on the gates doo showe,
His treason, doctrine, and his lyfe too yll:
His head set vp, dooth daylie call for moe,
Of those that leane vnto like wicked wyll.
Well may they flaunt, & florish for a space:
But trueth in ende, their dealinges will disgrace.

Not hell it selfe, our iniurie can frame,
But we shall prosper as the sprouting Baye.
God can of stones rayse seede to Abraham,
He is our hope, and he wyll helpe vs aye.

Fiat voluntas Dei, then saye I,
I trust in God, whether I liue or die.