University of Virginia Library

ELEGIA. 5. Corinnæ Concubitus.

In summers heate and mid-time of the day,
To rest my limbes vpon a bed I lay.
One window shut, the other open stood,
Which gaue such light, as twincles in a wood.
Like twilight glimps at setting of the Sunne,
Or night being past, and yet not day begunne.
Such light to shamefast maidens must be showne,
Where they may sport, and seeme to be vnknowne.
Then came Corinna in a long loose gowne,
Her white neck hid with tresses hanging downe.
Resembling fayre Semiramis going to bed,
Or Layis of a thousand woers sped.
I snacht her gowne being thin, the harme was small,
Yet striu'd she to be couered there withall.
And striuing thus as one that would be cast,
Betray'd her selfe, and yeelded at the last.
Starke naked as she stood before mine eye,
Not one wen in her body could I spie.

What armes and shoulders did I touch and see,
How apt her breasts were to be prest by me.
How smooth a belly vnder her wast saw I?
How large a legge, and what a lustie thigh?
To leaue the rest all lik'd me passing well,
I cling'd her naked body, downe she fell,
Iudge you the rest, being tride she bad me kisse,
Ioue send me more such after-noones as this.