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The Life and Death of William Long beard

the most famous and witty English Traitor, borne in the Citty of London. Accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie histories, By T. L. [i.e. Thomas Lodge] of Lincolns Inne, Gent

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[My mistresse when she goes]

My mistresse when she goes
To pull the pinke and rose,
Along the riuer bounds
And trippeth on the grounds
And runnes from rocks to rocks
With louely scattered locks
Whilst amarous wind doth play
With haires so golden gay
The water waxeth cleere
The fishes draw hir neere
The Sirens sing hir praise
Sweet flowers perfume hir waies
And Neptune glad and faine
Yeelds vp to hir his raigne.
When I admire the rose
That nature makes repose
In you the best of many
More faire and blest than any
And see how curious art
Hath decked euery part
I thinke with doubtfull vieu
Whether you be the rose, or the rose is you.