The Third Dayes Creation By that most excellent, learned, and diuine Poet, VVilliam, Lord Bartas. Done verse for verse out of the originall French by Thomas VVinter |
To the Translator.
The Third Dayes Creation | ||
To the Translator.
Report that made me reade, had thrise the power,When I had heard thy tongue of siluer strike,
To make me once againe to spend that hower,
That twise before my heart did so much like:
But while my soule held his respectiue eye
Vpon the Leaues of thy registerd fame,
My Heart constraind my pen to prophecie,
That Loue and Fortune shall enrich thy Name.
Thou mildest Winter that our age hath felt,
In midst of whom a Lillie freshly growes,
Put all thy heate and calmie power to melt
From off this flower the frostie canded snowes:
That when thy hand hath drawne the curtaine round,
We may see Bartas picture Lawrel-crownd.
Thomas Mason Suffolciensis.
The Third Dayes Creation | ||