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The Aucthour speaketh.
In the moneth of Decēbre, whē phebus ye bright
with his mocyon had entered in to ye fyrst degre
Of Capricorne, whan longe is the nyght
And the day tyme, moste in breuytie
Than snowes lyeth depe, vpon the hylles hye
waters congyled, in to yse harde and thycke
Trees, Plantes, and Herbes, seme than to dye
Fewe thynges growynge, appere to be quycke
The wether moste bytter, with wyndes sharpe and colde
Causeth great company, togyther to resorte
Vnto the fyre syde, where ale good and olde
Merely they drynke, theyr hertes to comforte
Early in a mornynge, in this moneth of Decembre
From slepe I arose, and to my studye went
Before all thynges than, I dyd remembre
That tyme of euery man, shuld frutefully be spent
At the fyrste by chaunce, I red an oracyon
Moste pleasauntly set forth, with flowers rethorycall
Descrybynge the monstruous vyce of detraction
The dowghter of eunye, the furye infernall
Whose pestylent poyson, as cankar doth crepe
Amonge all people, in Cytie, Tower, and Towne
Bryngynge Innocentes, in to paynes depe
And from theyr good names, it doth them cast downe
By readynge this Aucthour, I was pensyfe in my harte
As one that had proued, his wordes to be trewe
Sorowes constrayned me, to lay this boke aparte
The remembraunce therof, my paynes dyd renewe
Anone I espyed in the Oryent
That dame Aurora, to me dyd apeare
And the Sōne with his beames, as golde resplendent
To our Orizont, began to drawe neare
with spede than my studye, and bokes, I dyd forsake
Intendynge all thoughtes, from my mynde to expell
And towarde a Forest, the way dyd I take

Nat far from the partyes, where I dyd dwell
In this Forest fayre, as I walked a whyle
Beholdynge hye trees, with armes longe and wyde
Sodaynly within the space of a myle
An Arbour moste pleasaunt, there I espyde
To that place of pleasure, for my recreacyon
with spede I approched, it made my herte lyght
Anone I was taken, with great admyracyon
Of all the fayre pleasures, when I had a syght
This place was enuyroned, with Hedgyes thre
Of Hauthorne thycke, thre dyches depe cast
Thre waters there were, whiche I dyd se
In to the Arbour by them, as I past
Okes that were olde, in the fyrste hedge were growynge
And Elmes in the seconde, that large were and longe
In the thyrde Hedge, with bowes downe bowynge
Many trees togyther, were thruste in a thronge
The Ashe and the Aspe, with his leaues that do quake
The Boxe and the Beyche, togyther dyd stande
The Corke causynge slyppers, to cracke and to crake
with the Ewe tre, a defence to this lande
The Plane and the Poplar, there I dyd se
The Salowe, the Pyne, and the Maple rownde
The Holy with his pryckes, and the walnut tre
with the Fyr and the Hasyll, hangynge to the grownde
In the myddes a Cypresse tre, I dyd espye
Borderyd with Olyues, in cyrcle rownde
And vnder the Cypresse, downe dyd I lye
where benches on eche syde, were made aboue the grownde
These trees to beholde, in my mynde I dyd muse
Of all kyndes there growynge, and in order set
All pleasures worldly, I wolde refuse
To haue suche an Arbour, yf I myght it get
Suche flagraunt sauours, suche odours swete
I neuer felt in the moneth of May
Agaynst all dolour, a medycyne moste swete

Is to this Arbour, to take the redy way
As in this place pleasaunt, my selfe I dyd comforte
with sauours soueraygne, and colours good for syght
A Fawcon and a Pye, to the same dyd resorte
And ouer my heade, in the Cypresse they dyd lyght
Great stryfe was betwene them, with argumentacyon
Theyr opynyons contrary semed vnto me
The Pye prated fast, with moche contencyon
And sayde that her sentence, nedes trewe must be.

The Fawcon.
The Fawcon moste gentyll, with sober behauour
Sayde ianglynge wordes, the trouth do nat trye
And fewe wyse men, I thynke do fauour
The lyghtnes of a pratynge Pye.

The Pye.
The Pye than answered, with wordes full of yar
And sayde, my sayinges I wyll neuer denye
Of women I loke, to haue no hyar
Nought is theyr nature, theyr wyttes nat worth a flye.

The Fawcon.
All thynges sayde the fawcon, of Goddes creacyon

Deut. 32. Gen. 20.

As scrypture recordeth, be perfyt in theyr kynde
woman was create, by dyuyne operacyon
Perfyt in body, in reason, wyll, and mynde.

The Pye.
Perfyt? who there sayde the Pye I the pray
Perfection in woman, shall neuer take place
Vnperfyt she is, and rude alway
In body, and in soule, voyde of all grace.

The Fawcon.
In the olde lawe, thou mayst playnly se
Sayde the Fawcon, that Goddes creatures all
Be sownde and perfyt, without deformitie
A bongler or a botcher, thou cānest nat God call
But yf thou wylt scrypture, leaue and forsake
And flye vnto reason, with me to contende

In what thynge tell me, dyd God woman make
So vnperfyte, that thou canst nat her nature cōmende.

The Pye.
In her bodye sayde the Pye, she lacketh perfection
Both faynt and feble, labours to sustayne
Harted as an hen, she nedeth protection
She can nother suffre the wynde, nor the rayne.

The Fawcon.
If strength of body, with houge and great quantyte
Preemynence quod the Fawcon, do proue and infer
Amonge all creatures, than man in dygnytie
To dyuers brute beastes, shulde far be vnder
In Lyon, Elephant, Bear, Bull, and Bore
Quantyte in bodye, boldnes, strength, and myght
In plenty and abundaunce, be sene euermore
No man hath lyke, thou mayst se with thy syght
Yet these beastes all, be subiect to man
For all theyr hougenes, he is hyest in degre
wherfore gyftes bodely, nother may nor can
Preemynence in nature, proue where they be
If shape of body, that semely is in syght
If countenaunce comely, yf bewty gyue perfection
Than must thou nedes graunt, that woman of ryght
Ought before man, be taken in election
But corporall qualyties, as bewtye, strength, or shappe
Boldnes or greatnes, no proffe can make
Of nobylytie in man, in hym thoughe thou them lappe
Sens brute beastes of nature, these qualyties take
And lyke as theyr presence, no dygnytie can brynge
Vnto man nor perfection, so on the other syde
Theyr lacke and absence of unperfection nothynge
Can proue in woman, in whom they do nat byde.

The Pye.
Yet humayne perfection, then sayde the Pye
In gyftes of the soule, doth chyefly consyst
As reason and knowledge, thou cānest nat denye

Nor agaynst this verytye, thou cānest nat resyst.

The Fawcon.
I graunt sayde the Fawcon, that the power intellectyue
Of the soule, with reason and lyberty of wyll
Set man in perfection, as his gyftes prymytyue
By helpe wherof, Goddes lawes he doth fulfyll.

The Pye.
Than proue shall I lyghtly, that woman is
Vnperfyt sayde the Pye, and bestyall of kynde
Sens these powers spyrytuall, by nature she doth mys
And none of them all, in her thou mayst fynde
Of knowledge she hath, no more than a Calfe
In Iudgement as wyse, as a Capon or a Gander
And the trouth of her to speake, in this behalfe
Her wyt is apysshe, and in lewdnes doth wander
To rayle and to skolde, no tongue she doth lacke
To inuent myschyfe, she is nat to seke
Of crafte and desceyte, she hath a great packe
But in goodnes, her wyt is nat worth a leke.

The Fawcon.
That woman hath these powers rehersed aboue
Of the soule sayde the Fawcon, that adde suche perfection
Vnto mankynde, by reason I shall proue
That in this matter, shall be her protection
Theffect without the cause, can neuer be founde
For betwene them, there is mutuall relacyon
Let this be of my reasonynge the grounde
And harke what shall folowe, in trewe declaracyon
Knowledge in lernynge, as in the artes seauen
In naturall Phylosophye, and morall also
To make dysputacyon, of the bodyes of heauen
And of earthly creatures, in theyr places lyinge so
Facultyes and craftes, to inuent and fynde out
And chaunses to tell, are they come a longe season
All these to be theffectes, no man doth doubte
Of the intellectyue power, the wyll and the reason.

The Pye.
what woman, I pray the than sayde the Pye
These gyftes haue had, that effectes thou dost call
Except thou be doubtles, dysposed to lye
Thou cānest reherse none, nother great nor small.

The Fawcon.
I can sayde the Fawcon, rehersall to the make
Of mo suche women, than thou hast in the
Condycyons gentle, wherfore good hede take
And thou shalt here named, mo than two or thre
Carmentes the mayde, fyrste dyd inuent
Our latyne letters, as wryters do tell
Her industrye and labour, with wyll and intent
In memorye perpetuall, do cause her to dwell
The .ix. virgynes pure, that musyes we call
The .vii. artes lyberall, dyd fyrste to vs fynde
And pleasaunt Poetrye, conteynynge matter morall
Vnder Fables fayned, these maydes dyd combynde
Mynerua, whiche also Pallas was named
As goddes was taken, of arte and sapyence
Because that in Grecia, she fyrste set and framed
Plantes, shrubbes, and trees, as Aucthours gyue euydence
The vse of armour, the helmet, and brest plate
with Ingynes wonderfull, and fortresseys stronge
For warres with her policie, she dyd fyrste excogytate
The rehersall of her actes, requyreth tyme longe
Diotima a mayden, hyghe knowledge had
In Phylosophye, throughe whose fame and reporte
Socrates the Phylosopher, moste graue and sad
To her cōmyne Lecture, dyd come and resorte
Leontium also, a woman moste wyse
Agaynst Theophrast, with oracyons dyd contende
And workes moste excellent, she dyd deuyse
Agaynst detractours, women to defende
Paula and Eustochium, were lerned ryght well
Vnto whom Hierome, of hyghe estymacyon

Epystles and workes, the trouth for to tell
Dyuers dyd wryte, for theyr recreacyon
In our countrey natyue, women thou mayst se
In both tongues experte, the Latyne and the Greke
In Rethorycke and Poetrye, excellent they be
And with pen to endyte, they be nat to seke
If women in youth, had suche educacyon
In knowledge and lernynge, as men vse to haue
Theyr workes of theyr wyttes, wolde make full probacyon
And that of men counceyll, they nede nat to craue.

The Pye.
These Examples excell, yf they be vnfayned
Sayde the Pye, for women to the starres they extoll
In naturall knowledge, nowe am I constrayned
To graunt that woman hath, moche in her noll.

The Fawcon.
I shall proue sayde the Fawcon, that supernaturall
Knowledge in woman, may well take place
Prophecye I meane, the gyfte celestyall
In to the soule infused, by especyall grace
Cassandra doughter, to Pryamus the kynge
A lady moste fayre, dyd shewe the destruction
Of noble Troye, whan it was moste florysshynge
That by Parys actes, it shulde come to confusyon
The .x. Maydens gentylles, that Varro doth call
The Sybylles, this gyfte of Prophecye receyued
Of meruayles they dyd speake, before they dyd fall
Suche as trusted theyr sayinges, were nat deceyued
Sybylla Tyburtyna, dyd wryte in her boke

Lactant q̄ gētiles

That Messyas in Betheleem, of a mayde shulde be borne
And that in Nazareth, mānes nature he toke
Man to redeme, that by synne was forlorne
Sybylla Erythica, as Lactancyus doth recorde
The processe of the Passyon, moste playnly doth expresse
Howe the Iewes vniustly, theyr soueraygne Lorde
Oppressed with paynes, and deadly dystresse

His buffyttes, his scourgynge with whyppes that dyd cut
His crowne of thorne, with pryckes sharpe and longe
The eysell and gall, that to his mouth were put
These thynges she descrybed, and all his other wronge
The Eclypse of the Sōne, that made men to quake
with workes that were wonderfull, sene at that season
His dolorous death, that amendes dyd make
For mānes mysdede, and for his hyghe treason
All these she descrybed, by dyuyne reuelacyon
Longe tyme before they came to effect
And as saynt Austayne maketh recytacyon

Of domes day, the fearfull sygnes she dyd detect

In the actes of the Apostles, Luke doth recyte
Howe Phylyp the Euangelyst, had dowghters foure
All virgyns cleane, with whom was the spryte
Of Prophecye, as they Sybylles had before
wherfore sens women, suche knowledge haue had
Both naturall pure, and nature excedynge
who doubteth in this, except he be mad
whyther they haue reason, with ye power of vnderstandynge
But these two powers, set man in perfection
And from brute beastes, they do hym exclude
women haue the same, as I haue made induction
Ergo they be perfyt, I may well conclude.

The Pye.
Althoughe I must graunt, that they of nature be

Esa. 14.

Perfyt sayde the Pye, made by Goddes creacyon

So is the Deuyll, yet in Hell lyeth he
By dyuyne sentence, in endles dampnacyon.

The Fawcon.
What meanest thou, that murderer to mynde
Sayde the Fawcon, that man dyd take in his snare
Our dysputacyon, is of woman kynde
whiche vnto the Deuyll, thou mayst nat compare.

The Pye.


Betwene two extremes, that in qualytyes agre

Comparyson may be made, than sayde the Pye
The Deuyll and woman, be lyke in degre
Theyr ende is to haue, an euyll destenye.

The Fawcon.
why women sayde the Fawcon, make me relacyon
More than men, suche fortune shulde haue
Sens man and woman, be of Goddes creacyon
He denyeth no mercye, to them that do it craue.

Mat. 20.

The Pye.
where vyce is raygnynge, than sayde the Pye
Punysshement must folowe, thou knowest ryght well


All vyce raygneth in women, this is no lye
Therfore in paynes, they must nedes dwell.

The Fawcon.
The Fawcon than answered, mylde in his mode
Sayinge Pye from thy raylynge, thy selfe remoue
Chryste that suffered death, racked on a rode
Forbyd that euer, thou shulde this proue.

The Pye.
Proue sayde the Pye, what maystry is this?
who put man I pray the, in his fyrste creacyon
From Paradyse, that place of pleasure and blys
But woman, throughe the Deuylles temptacyon?
And therfore doubtles, I may her well call
The fontayne and welsprynge, of all calamytie
For throughe her pryde, synne orygynall
Dyd ysshewe with death, to all her posterytie
And lyke as the fyrste woman, Eue I do meane
Dyd sowe the sede, of all iniquytie
So syth her tyme, women maynteyne
All synne and vyce, in moste enormytie
wauerynge they be, and syght as the wynde
Crewell as Tygres, than Lucyfer more prowde
And trust in them, no man can fynde
She is no woman, that can lye lowde
Of carnall pleasures, they be insacyable

In battyll, bluddy bolde Barones for them dye
woman to man, was neuer profyttable
But full of cost, who can this denye?

The Fawcon.
A prouerbe proued sayde the Fawcon, I fynde
The barkynge of a Curre, no Kynge can restrayne
So no man can cause, the malycyous mynde
Of the pratynge Pye, from raylynge to refrayne.

The Pye.
A prater I am called, because I hyt the nayle
Euen vpon the heade, than sayde the Pye
Whan I say the trouth, thou sayst I rayle
Yet my trewe sayinges, thou cānest nat denye.

The Fawcon.
Nothynge sayde the Fawcon, is more repugnant
Vnto the trouth, than thy sayinges all
And that may be proued, by reasones abundant
Deduced of pryncyples Theologycall
From Parydyse pleasaunt, as thou dost say

Gen. 32.

Adam was expulsed, with his posterytie

That Eue was full cause, I do say nay
whom thou dost call, the mother of myserie
As Eue Goddes cōmaundement, there dyd transgresse
So dyd Adam, as the storye doth tell
The Sone of a mayde, theyr offence dyd redresse

Psal. 14. 6.

whose death dyd breake, the brasones durres of hell

Nowe for as moche, as dysobedyence
Of both our fyrste parentes, Goddes yar dyd prouoke
It was nat all onely, the womans offence
wherby mankynde, dyd suffer Goddes stroke


And as Dyuynes make declaracyon

If Adam had neuer, consented to synne
In Paradyse mankynde, shulde haue had habytacyon
Althoughe Eue before, to offende dyd begynne
wherfore thou Ianglar, nowe mayst thou well se
Agaynst our fyrste mother, thy vniust accusacyon

Seynge that man is proued, cause for to be
As well as the woman, of all trybulacyon.

The Pye.
Than chattered the Pye, and sayde with hyghe voyce
Thoughe it be so, as thou tellest to me
Beware yet in women, lest thou reioyce
They wyll deceyue the, by mutabylytye.

The Fawcon.
who is sayde the Fawcon, all tymes at one stay
Throughe this worlde wyde, and neuer mutable
Man is subiecte, to passyons alway

Eccle. 1.

His lyfe in this worlde, must nedes be varyable.

The Pye.
I graunt sayde the Pye, but this is my mynde
All women of promysse, be euer vnstable
Theyr fantasyes chaunge, and tourne as the wynde
And dowble be theyr dedes, this is no fable.

The Fawcon.
In reuoluynge of storyes, sayde the Fawcon then
Of women stedfastnes, moche mayst thou rede
On the contrary parte, thou shalt fynde of men
That they haue ben false, in worde and in dede
what kyngdomes noble? what Cyties of pryce
By treason haue perysshed, as Cronycles tell
Contryued throughe the false deuyce
Of cowharde Captaynes, that there dyd dwell
who betrayde the hyghe kynge, our sauyour Iesu
Paynes for to suffre, with extreme passyon
But Iudas vniust, and treatour vntrewe
whiche hanged hym selfe, throughe desperacyon
Aeneas with Anthenor, Troye dyd betray
And gaue it to the Grekes, that were voyde of compassyon
Than perysshed that Cytie, as the storye doth say
The treason of those Traytours, caused great lamentacyon
Fewe feldes be foughten, without treason I dare say
Of one parte or other, fewe kyngdomes be wonne

without preuy packynge, for treason doth decay
Mo cyties and countryes, than battyll axe or gonne
If stedfastnes were stablysshed, substancyally in men
And grauytie were graued, in rulers that be lyght
If promys were performed, yf the cōmaundementes ten
Of man were well obserued, both by day and nyght
Then constant I myght call hym, but synce yt fayth fayleth
And treason with all vyce, in hym hath taken place
Therfore hym to prayse, lyttell it auayleth
For mutable he is, and tourneth in small space
That women be constant, and trewe as fyne stele
Examples we rede, of Penoelope
And Lucrecya, that sorowes dyd fele
Both matrones noble, as storyes do say


Hester the quene, fayre Iudyth moste chast

As scrypture doth say, theyr people dyd saue
From crewell death, whan all hope was past
Amonge the men, suche grace God them gaue
who can descrybe, with pen or with tonge
The constant vertue, of Susan moste kynde
Vnto her husbande, the storye is longe


In Danyell the Prophet, thou mayst it fynde

The mother of the Machabeis, that .vii. were in nombre
Exhorted her chyldren, marterdom to take
Her stedfastnes caused, all men to wondre
No payne coulde cause her, the fayth to forsake

[illeg.] 150

The woman of Chananee, of Chryst was cōmended

For her fayth vnfayned, and stedfast belefe
By her prayer deuoute, her doughter was amended
That by vexacyon of a Deuyll, suffered moche grefe
Of virgynes moste chaste, what nede I to speke
As Katheryne, Margaret, and many thousandes mo
No Tyrayne coulde cause them, theyr vowes to breke
Theyr chastyte to saue, they suffred moche wo

Maxci. 140.

At Chrystes death, whan the Apostles all

Theyr mayster dyd leaue, throughe mutabylytie

Men were founde lyght, and trundlynge as a ball
In them was no fayth, but infydelytye
In one woman than, all fayth dyd remayne
when men dyd shrynke, and tourne as the wynde
Mary Chrystes mother, it is that I meane
No sorowe coulde cause, her fayth to vntwynde
Examples for this matter, almoste innumerable
I coulde here recyte, yf tyme wolde permyt
That women of dede and worde, be ryght stable
But here be ynowe, for them that haue wyt.

The Pye.
Yet women sayde the Pye, be great confusyon
Vnto all men, for in batteyll bolde
Of blode they haue caused, oft great effusyon
Of theyr myschyfe, moche in storyes is tolde.

The Fawcon.
Thy fables fayned, make small probacyon
Vnto thy purpose, the Fawcon dyd say
whan dyddest thou rede, in trewe declaracyon
That women cause batteyll, by nyght or by day.

The Pye.
Dyd nat fayre Helene, than sayde the Pye
Of Troye the cytie, cause the destruction
When the stronge walles, with towers and towrrettes hye
By the Grekes dyd fall, and had there subuersyon.

The Fawcon.
where malyce is raygnynge, there false accusacyon
Doth folowe sayde the Fawcon, in felde and in towne
Therfore of Troy, thou sayst the desolacyon
was caused by Helene, the woman of renowne
Dyd nat Alyxaunder, his lust to fulfyll
Sone to kynge Pryame, by strength steale away
Fayre Helene from the Grekes, agaynst her owne wyll
whan she her handes wronge, howe cānest thou say nay
If wepynge teares, yf syghes sore and sad
If lamentacyon, myght then haue preuayled

Fayre Helene had escaped, Parys moste mad
From Grecye in to Troye, with her whan he seased
And thoughe battyll bloddye, with murder moste myserable
Betwene these two nacyons, enshewed to theyr payne
The adulterar it caused, by dede detestable
whiche coulde nat from lust, his body restrayne
what mountayne myghty, what sees roughe and depe
Haue men passed throughe, as beastes without wyt
Theyr raygynge hath caused, good women to wepe
with vyolence constrayned, theyr lust to admyt
Suche myschyfes many men, oft haue procured
And yet they cesse nat, the same to support
As towchynge this matter, I am full assured
All theyr madnes fully, I can nat report.

The Pye.
I can report than, sayde the Pye
That women be crewell, and loue to be in stryfe
Cursed as Cayn, thou canst nat denye
Angry as the waspe, wedowe, mayde, and wyfe.

The Fawcon.
The fayre Fawcon answered, with wordes yt were wyse
Sayinge Pye thou arte peuysshe, and blynde as a blocke
No man with reason may the suffyse
Thy malyce is meruaylous, and styffe as a stocke
Thou raylest agaynst reason, whan thou dost impute
Yar vnto women, with crewell condycyon
For vnto the contrarye, I shall dyspute
Theyr pacyence and pytye, in perfyt dyleccyon


Heate causeth yar, in man and in beaste

Of yarfull herte, crewelnes doth sprynge
where crewelty doth dwell, compassyon hath no rest


For contraryes togyther, can haue no bydynge

what causeth fearsnes, in Lyon, wolfe, and beare
In Bores that be brym, and mastyffes moche of myght
whiche all in theyr raygynge, in peces rent and teare
Theyr prayse that they take, by day or els by nyght

what moueth man, so fearse for to be
And crewell of dede, as beast wod and wylde
But heat causynge yar, whan he without pytie
In war doth destroy, the mother with the chylde
And lyke as heate feruent, yar doth inflame
In man and in beaste, and crewell them doth make
So coldnes contrary, crewelnes doth tame
Causynge man and beast, to shyuer and to quake
women in theyr nature, be colde as a kay
In respect of men, wherfore inclynacyon
To be yarfull or crewell, from them is a way
And petye moste tendre, in them hath habytacyon
who is so sad, of crewelnes to here
In spoylynge or murdre, as these women be
For frayes and for feyghtynges, they make heuy chere
Vpon euery mānes hynderaunce, they take great petye
what wepynge teares? what sore lamentacyon

Luce. 23.

Dyd women make, in Hierusalem
Vpon the lambes death, takynge compassyon
That borne was of mother, and mayde in Bethleem

Mat. 20.

But men at that tyme, as beastes raygynge mad
Theyr hyghe kynge and maker, dyd nayle to a tre
At that season tell me, whyther men had
Lyke vnto women, compassyon and petie.

The Pye.
Admyt that thy reasones, dyd fully conclude
For women sayde the Pye, as thou dost infer
Yet profyte from them, thou must nedes exclude
Theyr husbandes they brynge, in det and daunger
Ease they loue all, to labour they dysdayne
wasters they be of money, meate, and cloth
And from the blacke boll, they can nat refrayne
To speake all I knowe by them, I am loth.

The Fawcon.
I am full loth, the Fawcon dyd say
Vnto the Pye, suche raylynge to here

Nothynge is trewe, thou speakest here this day
Thy fables be fayned, and false this is clere
A womans offyce, as Arystotle tought

[illeg.] 30

In his Econymyckes, is redy for to make

Suche thynges for sustynaunce, as to her be brought
Her famylye to fede, that paynes and labours take
All rychesse procured, by nyght or els by day
Throughe the mānes trauayle, in felde or in towne
The wyfe with her wysdom, must kepe from decay
And suffer no proffyte, in losse to fall downe
By practes I proue, in places as I passe
The prudent polycye, in suche gubernacyon
Of women that wysely, the worlde do compasse
In moste honest maner, to theyr cōmendacyon
what labour of bodye, do they oft sustayne
what breke of slepe, whan they shulde rest take
with honestye theyr husbandes, and house to mayntayne
These thynges to fulfyll, no paynes they forsake
Men dyuers I haue knowne to wast, spyll, and spende
At drynkynges and games, suche rychesse as they had
whan women full busylye, dyd labour to amende
Theyr husbandes lewdnes, that made them full sad
wherfore sens women, theyr dewtyes do fulfyll
As I haue declared, without fayned fable
They rayse without reason, and speake all at wyll
That say vnto men, they be nat profyttable
Cryinge in his cradell, at his fyrste begynnynge
whan man doth lye rocked, nat able to stande
who doth hym than fede, with meates nurrysshynge
But woman that to helpe hym, doth put to her hande
who can women lacke, in syckenes or in helth
To wasshe and to wrynge, and meates to prepare
A comforte they be, in pouertie and welth
Vnto all men, to whom they repare

Gen. 20.

And therfore Scrypture, doth woman call

An helper to man, in euery dystresse

whan fortune fayleth, and causeth hym to fall
Chyfe remedye she is, of all his heuynesse
And thoughe thou Pye pratynge, by vniust accusacyon
All kyndes of vyce, to women hast obiect
Yet in all vertues, they haue delectacyon
And therfore of God, I thynke them elect
Humble they be, and lowly in harte
Pytefull and pacyent, with sobre behauour
And contynence from them, doth neuer departe
with dylygence for vertues, they do euer labour.

The Pye.
Howe canst thou them vertuous, and chast of lyfe call
Sayde the Pye, that men by subtyle prouocacyon
Moue vnto vyce, and cause them to fall
No deuyll vnto woman, is lyke in temptacyon
Meandre the flude, that maketh men to muse
And laboryous labyrynth, that Dedalus deuysed
Suche wyndynges and tournynges, neuer dyd vse
As women in temptacyon, for men haue contryued
All gyftes of nature, they inclyne to prouoke
Man vnto pleasure, and his reason to blynde
And with Cupydes darte, to gyue hym a stroke
Thus cleane and fresshe men, in bondage they bynde
Theyr countenaunce smylynge, as the messenger of loue
Theyr eyes moste wantonly, euer roll and turne
Vpon syghtes semely, and all thynges aboue
Because loue them burneth, they desyre to burne
Theyr handes and fyngers, for this they kepe whyte
Dasshed full of rynges, with many a precyous stone
To shewe theyr prety fete, they haue great delyte
On theyr toes howe they tryppe, to se it is alone
They laughe, they speake, they synge, they daunce
The lustes of loue, in youth to inflame
Theyr garmentes be garnysshed, after the guyse of Fraunce
And to vse paynted wordes, theyr tongues be nat lame
Theyr brestes they lay forth, as a Boucher doth his flesshe

To be solde in the shambles, and ouer them they lay
A fyne lase of sylke, with an owche that is fresshe
Or els a small chayne, that was gotten in theyr play
And as an horse mayster, that to a fayre doth brynge
His Horses all platted, the mane and the tayle
So women theyr hear, as golde wyre shynynge
They wrappe, plete, and plat, yonge louers to assayle

P. ad.Timoth.20.

But Paule vnto Tymothe, a document doth gyue

Vnto all women, suche lyghtnes to despyse

1. Pe. 30.

And so doth Peter, whiche sayth they shulde lyue

Nat in wanton apparell, but in sad and sobre wyse
I dare nat nowe speake, howe some do counterfet
The colours of theyr faces, as they were naturall
Straunge hear also, for theyr heades they do get
Of their muskes, posyes, & pōmanders, I make no rehersall
All these prety tryckes, these prety dames do vse
In to Venus daunce, yonge Rufflers to allure
Howe canst thou Fawcon say, but theyr gyftes they abuse
Defende them in this matter, thou canst nat I am sure.

The Fawcon.
Stop there sayde the Fawcon, and harke to me a season
For thy braggynge bostes, lyghtly I shall make base
And declare vnto the, by inuyncyble reason
That delyberate dyscrecyon, in the doth take no place
Shameles thou arte surely, thus shamefully to speake
That man to vyce is moued, by womans prouocacyon
For women of cleane lyuynge, be oft moued to breake
Theyr chastytie by churles, that chafe them by temptacyon
what paynted wordes, womans loue to allure
what tokens that be trycke, do these men vse
what rynges, what hertes of golde fyne and pure
whiche women do vtterly contemne and refuse
And whan by suche tokens, men can nat obtayne
Theyr purpose and wyll, than they do inuent
Letters of loue, expressynge theyr payne
And preuely by messengers, they be forth sent

If letters be contemned, yf wrytynges take no place
Than labours do louers, in theyr owne persons take
They ryde and they ronne, many myles in small space
And moue honest women, chast lyfe to forsake
with syghes semynge sorowfull, theyr foly they expresse
with wepynges theyr wordes, be myxed for to moue
Pytefully complaynynge, of deadly dystresse
Thus women to deceyue, all wyles they do proue
But yf all theyr glosynges, theyr matters can nat spede
If theyr tokens with theyr trynkettes, & letters be despysed
Than oft constant women, they brynge in great drede
whan by vyolent oppressyon, they haue them defyled
Dyna that to Iacob the Patryarke, was doughter

Gen. 34.

By Sychem was oppressed, as scrypture doth tell
In punyshmēt of his vyolēce, there folowed great slaughter
Amonge all the people, that in his cytie dyd dwell
In the cytie of Gabaa, what abhomynacyon

Jud. 34.

Dyd men cōmyt, agaynst the Leuytes wyfe
The wyde worlde may wondre, of theyr bestyall fasshyon
For amonge them by oppressyon, the woman lost her lyfe
Dyd nat Annon, that sone was to Dauyd the kynge


Chast Thamar oppresse, his syster naturall
After whiche acte, he had nat longe lykynge
For absolon his brother, gaue hym woundes mortall
Lucrecya the Romayne, a matrone ryght famous
Defyled by oppressyon, of Tarquinius sone
After the dede, both shamefull and vylaynous
On a swerde that was sharpe and kene, she dyd rone
Suche dolour deadly, his herte dyd oppresse
Throughe the dede moste detestable, by vyolence commytted
That death moste dredefull, to ende her dystresse
Before lyfe in election, she thought to be adymtted
Many thousandes mo of maydes, wedowes, and wyues
Moste tyrānous tourmentes, as wryters do tell
Haue suffred, and also haue lost theyr lyues
Theyr chastyte to saue, and Tyrānes to repell

Vrsula with her felowes, this matter do recorde
Expulsed from theyr countrey, theyr clēnes to kepe
Theyr virgynyte was vowed, to the hyghe kynge and lorde
And martyres they were made, with woundes wyde & depe
Margaret the mayde, maryage dyd refuse
Of Olibrius the Tyran, and his gyftes dyd forsake
A spouse in heauen, to her she dyd chuse
And mekely for his loue, death dyd she take
So dyd Katheryne the quene, and virgyne full pure
Agathe, and Annes, with Lucya the bryght
wenefrede, and Cecylye, by clēnes dyd procure
In heauen for euer, to be in Goddes syght.

The Pye.
Thou rellest vp a rastall rabble, sayde the Pye
Of wytles women, whom sayntes thou wylt make
what recorde hast thou, thy wordes to ratyfye
For without wytnes, as lyes I them take.

The Fawcon.
A rabble sayde the Fawcon, of raylers I may call
wherof thou arte one, but of Sayntes in the blys
Of heauen nowe hauynge, the lyfe immortall
Theyr nombre a company, moste gloryous is
And to proue that these virgynes, rehersed before
In the cytie celestyall, haue theyr habytacyon
And in Goddes presence, shall be for euermore
The Authorytye of the Churche, I brynge for probacyon.

The Pye.
Ha ha here is a prety pastyme, sayde the Pye
To here ye mūble thy munpfynge, & dronken dotterd dreames
As moche aucthorytye, they haue surely
As an eles tayle, whan it styrreth in streames.

The Fawcon.
Nother the ele sayde the Fawcon, nor yet the eles tayle
Aucthorytye haue, for reason they do lacke
But auncyent storyes, of aucthorytye can nat fayle
And that for to proue, I shall nat shrynke backe

And tell me nowe Pye, who fyrste buylder was
Of royall Rome, who made the walles stronge
That large were in heyght, and wyde in compas
And who made that domynyon, so large and so longe.

The Pye.
Romulus was fyrste founder therof, sayde the Pye
Of whom Roma it was called, as wryters recorde
Scipio and Cato, Rome dyd amplyfye
And Iulius Cesar, her fyrste Emperour and Lorde.

The Fawcon.
If thou wylt sayd the Fawcon, that I shal credence gyue
Vnto thy wordes, than wytnes I must haue
For wytnes of all men, that in this worlde lyue
Is euer accepted, the trouth for to saue.

The Pye.
Of Hystoryographers, many there be
Sayde the Pye, that the Romaynes gestes do declare
whiche my sayinges, shall recorde abundauntlye
The trouth thou mayst lerne, yf to them thou repare
And to be breue, of many I brynge one
Titus Linius, myne Authour in this case
Of no small aucthoryte, in myne opynyon
For his wordes amonge lerned men, do euer take place
And acceptynge of a worke, aucthoryte doth make
And gyue to the same, the strength of recorde
wherfore the wytnes of Linius I take
Thy doubte to dyssolue, and deley thy dyscorde.

The Fawcon.
Stop there sayde the Fawcon, I haue myne intent
whan a worke (as thou sayst) of the people is receyued
Than hath it aucthoryte, and as a foundement
Infallyble is taken, of verytie conceyued
The storyes of the Churche, by chrysten men compyled
That excellent were, in learnynge and in lyfe
Of crysten men, as verytie vndefyled
Haue euer ben taken, without any stryfe

They be receyued, ergo I may conclude
Vpon thy wordes, that aucthorytie they brynge
And from my sayinges, all fables the exclude
As touchynge the examples, of womens good lyuynge
But nowe to retourne, after longe dygressyon
To our matter intended, myne examples declare
That men moche haue vsed, crafty instygacyon
women to wrappe, in the deuylles net and snare
And as prouocacyon, hath ben in tymes past
Of men moche vsed, the clēnes to subuert
Of women contynent, so suche as lyue chast
Be nowe prouoked, from clēnes to auert
They be nat women, that theyr gyftes do abuse
Of nature and of grace, and to vyce them applye
But men moste sensuall, that studye and muse
Dayly theyr lust to fulfyll in lecherye
Nowe I pray the Pye playnly, as it is in thy thought
Speake here thy mynde, whyther more doth prouoke
The man that doth seke, or the woman that is sought
The trouth herof shulde cause the, thy raylynge to reuoke
Dost thou nat dayly, with thyne eyes se
Howe men mased with loue, to women make shute
And on the other parte, fewe or none they be
Of women to whom suche vyce, thou mayst impute.

The Pye.
Nowe am I constrayned, to graunt sayde the Pye
By reason and experyence, that all prouocacyon
Of man cōmeth cōmenly, for I can nat denye
Of thy sayinges and examples, the suffycyent probacyon
But yet for theyr rayment, all gorgyous and gay
Reprehended of the Apostles, both Peter and Paule
In excuse of the werars, what canst thou nowe say
If this matter thou defende, than wyse I the call.

The Fawcon.
Full sharpe be the sayinges, sayde the Fawcon in dede
Of these two Apostles, that rayment reprehende
And deckynge of women, yet yf thou take good hede

Thou shalt fynde that women, they lyttell dyscōmende
Saynt Austen to these sayinges, answere doth make


Of both these Apostles, and sayth that none offence
Ryseth of rayment, whan women do take
Vnto dyscrecyon, dylygent aduertence
If after the custome, of theyr countrey they vse
Rayment ryght royall, and accordynge to theyr state
Secludynge vayne glorye, yf they do refuse
All purpose in louers, lust carnall to instygate
Than synne is auoyded, for who so decked was
In garmentes moste gorgyous, as Hester the quene
As the beames of the Sōne, shynynge throughe the glas
with golde and perles, to glyster she was sene
Euen so dyd Iudyth, her bewtye augment
with apparell of great pryce, that caused admyracyon
Yet these women both, for theyr good intent
Of scrypture deserued prayse, and cōmendacyon.

The Pye.
Thou semest sayde the Pye, all maner to cōmende
And vse of rayment, be it neuer so vayne
Yet Paule vnto Tymothe, dyd vtterly intende
All women from vanytie, in rayment to restrayne.

The Fawcon.
Nothynge I thynke lesse, sayde the Fawcon I the tell
Than agaynst the sayinges, of Paule for to speake
All vanytie in rayment, the Apostle doth repell
All vanytie in the same, my mynde is to breake.

The Pye.
Be playne in thy termes, sayde the Pye I the pray
And dystynctly declare, what thy meanynge is
By vanytie of rayment, for nothynge can I say
To the yf thy mynde herin, I do mysse.

The Fawcon.
So oft sayde the Fawcon, as women rayment vse
Agaynst the guyse of theyr countrey, or aboue theyr degre
And power be decked, so oft they take and chuse

In werynge theyr apparell, folysshe vanytie
Vanytie in rayment, also I do call
Whan for prayse or vayne glorye, rayment is worne
Or els to prouoke, and cause men to fall
In to lust of the body, whan reason is forlorne.

The Pye.
Do nat women sayde the Pye, theyr rayment abuse
All these foure wayes, whiche thou dost expresse
In moste vayne maner, thou canst nat excuse
Herein the femyne sexe, nor theyr lyghtnes redresse.

The Fawcon.
I knowe nat sayde the Fawcon, the surety to say
That any so lyue, but yf thou suche fynde
what canst thou infer, nowe in the way
Of reasonnynge, agaynst the whole kynde.

The Pye.
If one be nought, so be all the rest
I say sayde the Pye, of the femyne gendre
For amonge them all, she that is best
Wolde be loth of her lyfe, a reckenynge to rendre.

The Fawcon.
In raylynge vnreasonable, thou ragest agaynst ryght
Sayde the Fawcon, whan thou dost of fewe womens vyce
Infer all the rest, in theyr lyuynge to be lyght
If thou harken thy blynde erre, shall be open at a tryce
Some men be murderers, shulde I therfore call
All mankynde murderers, some theues and traytours be
Shulde I therfore say, all men do fall
In to the same vyce? no that were madnes playnlye

Gen. 40.

Because Cayn dyd murdre, therfore dyd his brother

Mala. 1.

Abell the same, Esau was reiect

Ad to. 90

And forsaken of God, in the wombe of his mother

was therfore Iacob refused of God, and also neglect
Horryble heresyes, these blynde sayinges be
If they be defended, and by scrypture confounded
And who is so blynde, but he may well se

That these sayinges agaynst womē of reason, be nat groūded
For what raylynge heretycke, so shameles canst thou fynde
To say that our Lady, the virgyne moste pure
was lyght in her lyuynge, or corrupte in her mynde
Because pleasure some women, to lust dyd allure
Cesse therfore thy sayinges, and raylynge moste rude
Condemne nat a multytude, that innocent is
As thoughe from all goodnes, thou woldest them exclude
Because that a fewe, be founde to do amys
Because that a fewe, be both lyght and vayne
In rayment and apparell, agaynst the Apostles rule
Thou mayst nat therfore, of the whole flocke complayne
As thoughe euery woman, from vertue dyd recule
But many there be, to sayinges euyll so prone
And dayly in the same, accustomed to slepe
That slaunders causynge many, to syghe and to grone
As pastymes they take, whan Innocentes do wepe.

The Pye.
Yet the mayster sayde the Pye, may lawfully speake
Of his seruaunt his pleasure, be it false or trewe
Lyke maner the husbande, doth nat Goddes precept breake
whan he is wyfes sorowes, with slaunder doth renewe.

The Fawcon.
Blynde was the fyrste erre, and euen naked nought
But this is moche worse, sayde the Fawcon in very dede
Chryste that mānes soule, with his death derely bought
Forbyd that this erre, come in chrysten mānes crede
Dost thou nat fynde, daclared in Scrypture
That Chryst is the fountayne, of trouth and verytie

Iohānes 140.

That man hath by grace, he hath by his nature
This trouth is the way, to the celestyall cytie
As trouth man to heauen, doth condyth and guyde
So by falsenes and lyes, that nocyuous be
Slaunderers sodaynly, to hell slyp and slyde
where euer they shall rest, in carefull calamytie
For Dauyd the prophet, in his Psalme doth recorde

Psal. 14.

That sclaunderars and lyars, to endles perdycyon
Shall fall by iust sentence, of the heuenly lorde
whan synne shall be rewarded, with ryght retrybucyon

Sapt. 1.

The wyse man also, beareth wytnes to this matter

And sayth that the mouth, the soule doth sley and kyll
Of that man whiche delyteth, of sclaunders to clatter
And the names of good people, with detraction to spyll
Nowe for as moche, as deedly detraction
To all people is dampnable, no state or degre
Excepted at all, therfore dredefull dampnacyon
All men deserue, that of theyr wyues sclaunderars be
And it is cōmonly sayde, that on the deuyll to lye
Offence and synne it is, is it nat than offence
Agaynst crysten women, with sclaundars out to crye
Of whose gentyll nature, man shulde speake in defence

Ad. eph. 5.

Paule sayth that man, shuld loue his wedded wyfe

As his owne body, and cherysshe her alway
Agaynst Paule they do playnly, that loue to be in stryfe
With theyr wyues, whose names with sclaunder they decay
Peace therfore Pye, and this opynyon peuyshe
That men may rayle theyr pleasure, speake thou no more
For sclaunder is a matter, of all other moste theuyshe
The offence therof doubtles, deserueth sorowes sore
And yf blynde affections, thou woldest set asyde
And eluyshe enuye, from thy herte cleane expell
Than woldest thou say, that reason in men doth nat byde
That with raylynge, the fame of women hurte and quell
For in case that any, be founde lewde or lyght
In so great a nombre of women, as there is
Thou mayst nat at theyr vyce, geast or rayle by ryght
But be heuye and sorye, for suche as do amys
And in this behalfe to say, I dare be bolde
That none, the hole kynde of women doth sclaunder
Excepte he be suche, as was nought yonge and olde
And blyndly by vyce, lyueth in the deuylles daunger.

The Pye.

I graunt sayde the Pye, that sclaunder is nought
And lyghtnes in iudgement, that causeth moche wo
But yf mens lyues & womens, were to the bothom sought
Of men than of women good, thou shuldest fynde mo.

The Fawcon.
This doubte to dyscuss, to no man it pertayneth
Sayde the Fawcon, for God this matter must trye
But experyence, and also scrypture me constrayneth
The rather to women, in this behalfe to wrye
For scrypture me teacheth, that all kyndes of synne
More by man than woman, had rote and begynnynge
And practyse doth proue, that contynuaunce therin
Of men moste chefely, hath eade and mayntaynynge
The fyrste murdre by croked Cayn, was cōmytted

Gen. 40.

whan innocent Abell, to death he dyd dryue
Incontynent Lamech, began admytted


For agaynst stymulacyons, he wolde nat stryue
Noe fyrste dronkarde, whose fylthynes his chylde

Gen. 90.

Cham dyd dyscouer, his bretherne it perceyuynge
Abhorred that dede, wylfull and wylde
And couered the preuyties, cause of theyr conceyuynge
Fyrste tyran was Nemrath, fyrste ydolater was he

Genesis. 10. & 11.

He set nought by God, by his lyghtnynge, nor his thondre
The tower of Babell he buylded, that all men myght se
Than deuyded were the tongues, that made men to wondre
The synne agaynst nature, both brute and bestyall
Men fyrste dyd cōmyt, as scrypture doth recorde

Gen. 19.

Of .v. Cyties the people perysshed, great and small
In punysshement of that synne, by the hyghe kynge & lorde
Pharao of Egypt, that Tyran styfe and stowte

Exodi. 1.

Fyrst Innocentes dyd murdre, and to death dyd them dresse
For the murdre of those chyldren, he dyed without doubte

Exo. 14.

The red see hym swalowed, with his people more and lesse
And lyke as these offences, had fyrste orygynall
Begynnynge of men, so contynuaunce they haue
Of men moste chyfely, whiche dayly to them fall

From enormyties they labour nat, theyr soules for to saue
For who doth kyll and murdre, in batteyll that is bolde
who robbeth and spoleth, both by see and by lande
who Tyrāny doth vse, that maketh hertes colde
who Innocentes doth kyll, with a bloddy hande
who? but man set on myschyfe this vyce doth cōmyt
As lewdnes were lawfull, all vyce he doth take
In the snare he lyeth slepynge, the knot is fast knyt
No kynde of cryme croked, he wyll forsake
In Sessyons and in Cyes, who is periured but he
Great othes that be odyous, no man refuseth
And lecherye is laudable, in euery degre
Both symonye synfull, and vsurye man vseth
And althoughe some women, to these synnes do fall
Aboue rehersed, yet in respect of men
Theyr nombre is nothynge, or els very small
For agaynst one of them offendynge, of ye tother there be ten.

The Pye.
I thynke sayde the Pye, that thy sayinges nowe be
Indyfferent agaynst men, for practyes doth expresse
That fewe of these vyces, in women we may se
whiche thou hast rehersed, but in men they be doubtles
For murdre and robrye, that openly is done
Symonye, vsurye, and treason vntrewe
Brybrye that chaungeth, that iudge as the mone
Heresyes and scysmes, that dyssencyon do renewe
Periurye and rybawdrye, with pollynge and oppressyon
All these synnes sensuall, that fowle and fylthy be
Of man be moche vsed, I must nedes make confessyon
Moche more than of woman, that from these semeth fre.

The Fawcon.
Yet man at his daunger, as thoughe well he were
Doth laughe sayde the Fawcon, so synne doth hym blynde
If his synne he dyd se, than chaunge wolde his chere
Perceyuynge to his maker, howe he is vnkynde
His breast he wolde beate, for mercye he wolde call

For his dedes of dampnacyon, he wolde knele on his kne
And many salt teares, from his chekes than shulde fall
If he his workes wycked, dyd ponder as they be.

The Pye.
As it ought to be sayde the Pye, thou dost speake
But as thou dost speake, so shall it nat be
whyle man is here lyuynge, Goddes lawes he wyll breake
Cease therfore thy sayinges, by the counceyll of me.

The Fawcon.
Than shall I retourne, to make repetycyon
Of our matter fyrste moued, sayd the Fawcon in this place
Thou saydest that all women, do lacke perfection
Of body and theyr soules, be voyde of all grace
A pertlye I haue proued, that as perfyte they be
In body as man, and theyr soules haue creacyon
Vnto the ymage, of the hyghe Trynyte
Thus perfyt they were create, by dyuyne operacyon
That depenes of wyt, with reason profounde
In women take place, myne examples expresse
For the .vii. Artes lyberall, had theyr fyrste grounde
And inuencyon by women, this is doubtlesse
Aptnes also, and pronytie they haue
Vnto all kyndes of vertue moste pure
with dylygent endeuour, they haue laboured to saue
Theyr soules from all vyce, and grace to procure
And furthermore Pye, I haue made declaracyon
That women in lyuynge, the men do excell
Confounded I haue, thy false accusacyon
And reasones I haue vsed, thy raylynges to repell
Of scrypture somtyme, the sayinges I haue sought
Hystoryes profane, and experyence moste sure
The documentes of Doctours, forth I haue brought
For the femynyne sakes, theyr ryght to recure.

The Pye.
By thy processe sayde the Pye, as I can perceyue
Thou concludest all women, vertuous to be

Because that a fewe, vertues dyd receyue
wherof examples, thou dydes recyte to me
At the length thou dost take, for fynall conclusyon
That women in theyr lyuynge, far men do excell
As thoughe they alonely, of grace had infusyon
This vtterly from men, grace thou wylt repell.

The Fawcon.
Nat so sayde the Fawcon, for that is nat my mynde
Grace from all men, vtterly to exclude
Nor by myne examples, thou canst nat fynde
That all women vertuous, I entende to conclude
But this conclusyon, of all my sayinges take
That to knowledge and vertue, women apt be
And yf of theyr lyues, comparyson thou make
More godly than men, they seme vnto me.

The Pye.
Theyr proctour thou arte made, sayd the Pye I perceyue
A rewarde to receyue, theyr parte thou dost take
But whan they with doblenes, shall the deceyue
I thynke than this offyce, thou wylt forsake.

The Fawcon.
The trouth to defende, why shulde I refuse
A proctour to be, the Fawcon dyd say
Innocentes to helpe, we shulde our wyttes vse
In theyr causes iust, and helpe them alway
None other rewarde, to receyue I desyre
But trouth to trye forth, and malyce to subdue
This brought to passe, than haue I my hyre
For than shall be knowen, the false from the true
And where as by doublenes, I shall be deceyued
(As thou sayst of women) that can nat so be
For doublenes of those, is neuer conceyued
In whose hertes is playnes, and symplycytie.

The Pye.
I se sayde the Pye, with the to contende
Agaynst the femyne gendre, I am moche vnable

As one ouercome, therfore I make an ende
For lytell it auayleth, before the to fable.

The Fawcon.
Yet one thynge of the, or thou from hens flye
I demaunde sayde the Fawcon, what moued thy mynde
In all thy sore sayinges, so shamefully to lye
with raylynge outragyous, agaynst woman kynde
whyther theyr nature, theyr wordes, or theyr lyuynge
Thy tongue haue prouoked, to deadly detraction
Or rather by rashnes, of enuye procedynge
Theyr fame to defaulke, thou hast delectacyon.

The Pye.
Theyr nature is good, than sayde the Pye
And so be theyr dedes, the trouth for to tell
Malyce me moued, of women to lye
Syster to Megera, the ragynge fende of hell.

The Fawcon.
why dost thou than women, more than men sclaunder
The Fawcon dyd say, with thy wordes that be wylde
Sens men by dedes deadly, lyue in more daunger
Of soule than women, whiche seme vndefylde.

The Pye.
The lowest parte of the hedge, is troden downe
Vnder fote sayde the Pye, whan the hyest is forborne
womans power is small, in felde and in towne
Therfore I them sclaunder, therfore I them skorne
Men rule and gouerne, by see and by lande
Promocyons and profytes, by them I may haue
Therfore to catche somwhat, in to my hande
I laude them, I flatter them, whan I begyn to craue
He that wylleth with welth, in this worlde leade his lyfe
Placebo he must play, his kne both bowe and bende
Flaterars fare of the best, and lyue without stryfe
whan playnes with trouth, great men do offende
Theyr appetytes to please, my mynde I applye
As they say I say, be it wronge or ryght

Somtyme I graunt, somtyme I denye
Yonge Rufflers to please, whose wyttes be full lyght.

The Fawcon.
Than yf thou shuldes playnly, and as the trouth is
Thy mynde agaynst men, sayde the Fawcon expresse
Rebuke they shulde haue, of prayse they shulde mye
And thy style agaynst women, than woldes thou redresse.

The Pye.
I graunt sayde the Pye, but yet adulacyon
Nedes must I vse, great men to content
And agaynst women, my cōmon detraction
These two to contynewe, is my full intent
Auaryce of mynde, that is insacyable
Adulacyon to vse, hath gyuen me occasyon
And so hath enuye, the vyce detestable
Prouoked detraction, with false accusacyon.

The Fawcon.
The Fawcon moste fayre, moche moued in his mynde
Agaynst the Pyes wordes, and open confessyon
with syghes sore, ascendynge from his herte kynde
In lamentynge maner, made this exclamacyon
O worlde moste wretched, O tyme infortunate
O blyndnes moste beastlye, O lyfe without lyght
O vertue, O grace, from mans soule seperate
The dedes of darknes, haue put forth his syght
Nowe reason is blynded, by synne sensuall
And iudgement corrupte, by offence customable
wyll wandereth wyldly, by appetyte carnall
All powers of mans soule, be founde reprouable
Flaterars moste false, that fables can fayne
Great men accept, and to counceyll take
Playnes and Iustyce, be exyled cleane
And oppressyon causeth, Innocentes to quake
Extorsyon is extolled, and rygour doth rule
Detraction and derysyon, with nobles do dwell
Verytie and petie, from these men recule

And falsenes with flatery, trewe playnes do quell
All these seme lawfull, to men that be of myght
Theyr wylles and pleasures, they take for a lawe
with ragynge and raylynge, they ronne agaynst ryght
For smal is theyr lernyng, theyr wyttes nat worth an hawe
O Pye moste peuysshe, howe canst thou suche prayse
And Innocentes condemne, whose dedes deserue lawde
The hertes of playne people, thou dost dysease
whiche couet in trouth, to lyue without frawde
But seynge my sayinges, can take no place
In hertes that be harde, congelyd with vyce
No remedye I fynde, but prayer for grace
That man from his synne, may wake and aryce.

The Aucthour.
whan these wordes were spoken, the Fawcon toke flyght
The Pye for to punysshe, that fled fast away
Of them both shortly, I lost there the syght
And whomwarde I walked, from that Arbour gay
Anone I drewe forth, the argumentacyon
Of these two byrdes, the Fawcon and the Pye
As you haue harde me make recytacyon
Nothynge from theyr sayinges, my style I dyd wrye
The people to profyte, my purpose is playne
No man to dysplease, with worde or with wyll
But deadly detraction, I wolde restrayne
That causeth many men, theyr soules for to spyll
The prynce of peace pearles, the lambe immaculate
That suffered sorowes sharpe, synne to suppresse
And with his blode, wasshed our soules cōcamynate

Apoc. 1.

On the Aulter of the Crosse, the deuyll to depresse
He graunt by his grace, that charytie may sprynge
In euery mans herte, as flowres sprynge in May
Than God shall we loue, our heauenly kynge
And enuye expell, that our soules doth decay
Than reason shall rule our dedes with dyscrecyon
Betwene man and man, loue shall be vnfayned

No man agaynst women, shall vse detraction
For enuye throughe charytie, shall be than restrayned
After this sorte, by most godly gouernaunce
If man hym selfe vse, in good conuersacyon
In God before all thynges, hauynge affyaunce
Than well he may trust, to come to saluacyon
Heauen he shall haue, the cytie celestyall
The bryght beames of glorye, shall gyue his soule lyght
All worldly pleasures, his ioy excede shall
Of the hyghe Trynytie, whan he hath a syght
The increate wysdom, that all the worlde wrought
To his blysse moste blessyd, this company brynge
Our Sauyour I meane, that man and woman bought
Graunt vs in heauen, to here the Aungelles synge.
