![]() | A Commemoration or Dirige of Bastarde Edmonde Boner, alias Sauage, usurped Bisshoppe of London | ![]() |
Wryngyng of their handes, thei began with Placebo.
Dilexi quoth master Papist, I loued well Boner,
That was boshoppe of London, and liued in greate honor.
Quia inclinauit aurem suam, to our good father the Pope,
Iam iacit ille cinis, alas gone is our hope.
Circumdederunt eum dolores mortis, now rotten in graue,
Well, well, said the protestat well rid of a.k.
Perhaps cū pericula inferni with Chymerus fell,
Or Cerborus the triple hedded dogge of hell.
Tribulationem & dolorem inuenit, that bastarde theefe.
That haue spoiled Christes flocke, with spite and greefe.
O domine libera animam meam, from this Basan Bull,
That the innocent lambes did teare and pull.
Custodiens paruulos dominus, the Lorde hath helped Sion:
And taken awaie this mad dogge, this wolfe, and this Lion.
Qui erupit animam de morte, and my hart from sorowe,
Lorde surely, thou hast giuē thē eternall rest,
Whom Boner in prison, moste sore opprest.
Placebo: Bo. Bo. Bo. Bo. Bo.
Heu me, beware the bugge, out quod Boner alas,
De profundis clamaui, how is this matter come to passe.
Læuaui oculos meos, from a darke depe place.
Now Lazarus helpe Diues, with one droppe of grace.
Ne quando rapiat vt Leo animam meam, druggarde, druggarde,
To defende this matter, came Ihon Auaile, and Miles Huggarde.
From the gates of hell, quod the rebelles, dedefende B. Boner,
That with S. Fissher and Becket, he maie haue honor.
Amen quod R.C.B.H. and L.
Deliuer hym from this paines of hell.
![]() | A Commemoration or Dirige of Bastarde Edmonde Boner, alias Sauage, usurped Bisshoppe of London | ![]() |