A Marriage Trivmphe Solemnized in an Epithalamivm In Memorie of the happie Nuptials betwixt the High and Mightie Prince Count Palatine. And the most Excellent Princesse the Lady Elizabeth. Written by Thomas Heywood |
A Marriage Trivmphe Solemnized in an Epithalamivm | ||
A Nuptiall Hymne.
Now's the glad and cheerefull day,
Phœbus doth his beames display,
And the faire Bride forth to lead
Makes his torch their Nuptial Tead,
O thou Apollo bright
Lend vs thy cherefull light,
That thy glorious Orb of fire
We more freely may admire.
Phœbus doth his beames display,
And the faire Bride forth to lead
Makes his torch their Nuptial Tead,
O thou Apollo bright
Lend vs thy cherefull light,
That thy glorious Orb of fire
We more freely may admire.
But when seated in thy pride
Thou behold'st the louely Bride,
Enuie not when thou dost find
Thy one eye by her two stroke blind:
Thou art eclipst this day
By a new Cynthia.
Who though on earth shee keepe her Sphere
Yet shines as faire, as bright, as cleere.
Thou behold'st the louely Bride,
Enuie not when thou dost find
Thy one eye by her two stroke blind:
Thou art eclipst this day
By a new Cynthia.
Who though on earth shee keepe her Sphere
Yet shines as faire, as bright, as cleere.
If in clouds thou maske thy face
Blushing at thy owne disgrace:
Or cast aside thy glistering Rayes
When she once her eyes displayes;
We shall neglect thee quite,
Thy powre, thy heat, thy light.
Nor shall we misse thee being gone
Hauing two Sunnes for thy one.
Blushing at thy owne disgrace:
Or cast aside thy glistering Rayes
When she once her eyes displayes;
We shall neglect thee quite,
Thy powre, thy heat, thy light.
Nor shall we misse thee being gone
Hauing two Sunnes for thy one.
T'seemes when I this couple see,
Thy Sister I behold and thee,
When you both were nurst long while
By Luton' in Delos' Isle.
But the faire Sunne and Moone
Were there deliuered soone,
Iust as I see these two grac't
On Earth: So you in Heauen were plac't.
Thy Sister I behold and thee,
When you both were nurst long while
By Luton' in Delos' Isle.
But the faire Sunne and Moone
Were there deliuered soone,
Iust as I see these two grac't
On Earth: So you in Heauen were plac't.
Equally shine in the Spheares
In like beautie, and like yeares:
No sinister fate betide
The faire Bridgroome, and the Bride
O, neuer may blacke cloud
Two such bright lusters shroud
From the Worlds Eye, but still shine
Till fate make you both diuine.
In like beautie, and like yeares:
No sinister fate betide
O, neuer may blacke cloud
Two such bright lusters shroud
From the Worlds Eye, but still shine
Till fate make you both diuine.
He a Prince is, grauely yong,
Catoes head, and Tullies tongue,
Nereus shape, Vlisses braine;
Had he with these Nestors raine.
Inioying all the rest
Of heauen (that we request)
That they likewise would afford,
To manage these a Hectors sword.
Catoes head, and Tullies tongue,
Nereus shape, Vlisses braine;
Had he with these Nestors raine.
Inioying all the rest
Of heauen (that we request)
That they likewise would afford,
To manage these a Hectors sword.
Had great Ioue beheld this Queene,
When Europa first was seene,
O're the Seas he had not brought her,
Nor Ægenor left his daughter.
Europe that spatious ground
Through the World so renown'd
Had lost her stile, and ere her death
It had beene cal'd Elizabeth.
When Europa first was seene,
O're the Seas he had not brought her,
Nor Ægenor left his daughter.
Europe that spatious ground
Through the World so renown'd
Had lost her stile, and ere her death
It had beene cal'd Elizabeth.
Had she then liu'd, Danae should
Haue di'd an Ancresse; showers of gold
Had not rain'd downe her to Intrap,
All had beene powred in your lap.
Io had neuer beene
The great Ægyptian Queene,
But for a Godesse after death
They had ador'd Elizabeth.
Haue di'd an Ancresse; showers of gold
Had not rain'd downe her to Intrap,
All had beene powred in your lap.
Io had neuer beene
The great Ægyptian Queene,
They had ador'd Elizabeth.
Could a fairer Saint be shrin'd
Worthier to bee deuin'd?
You equall her, in vertues fame,
From whom you receiu'd your name:
Englands once shining star
Whose bright beames spread so far,
Who but did lament the death
Of that good Queene Elizabeth?
Worthier to bee deuin'd?
You equall her, in vertues fame,
From whom you receiu'd your name:
Englands once shining star
Whose bright beames spread so far,
Who but did lament the death
Of that good Queene Elizabeth?
To none I better may compare
Your sweet selfe then one so rare:
Like grac't you are from aboue,
You succeed her in her loue.
As you enjoy her name:
Likewise possesse her fame.
For that alone liues after death;
So shall the name Elizabeth.
Your sweet selfe then one so rare:
Like grac't you are from aboue,
You succeed her in her loue.
As you enjoy her name:
Likewise possesse her fame.
For that alone liues after death;
So shall the name Elizabeth.
Whil'st the Flower de Luyce we see
With our Lions quartered be,
The white Lion keepe his place.
Dauids Harpe retaine his grace;
Whil'st these vnited are,
Despight all forraine warre,
Foure great Kingdomes after death
Shall memorise Elizabeth.
With our Lions quartered be,
The white Lion keepe his place.
Dauids Harpe retaine his grace;
Whil'st these vnited are,
Despight all forraine warre,
Foure great Kingdomes after death
Shall memorise Elizabeth.
May that name be raised hie,
Nor in the femall issue die:
A joyfull and glad mother proue,
Protected by the Powers aboue,
That from the Royall line
Which this day doth combine
With a braue Prince; no fate, no death,
Extinguish may Elizabeth.
Nor in the femall issue die:
A joyfull and glad mother proue,
Protected by the Powers aboue,
That from the Royall line
Which this day doth combine
With a braue Prince; no fate, no death,
Extinguish may Elizabeth.
May the Branches spread so far,
Famous both in peace and war,
That the Roman Eagle may
Be Instated some blest day,
Despight of Romes proud brags,
Within our English flags,
To reuiue you after death,
That we may praise Elizabeth.
Famous both in peace and war,
That the Roman Eagle may
Be Instated some blest day,
Despight of Romes proud brags,
Within our English flags,
To reuiue you after death,
That we may praise Elizabeth.
That when your hie Crest is borne
By the faire white Vnicorne,
The Wild-man, the Greyhound, and
Fierce Dragon, that supporters stand,
With Lions red and white,
Which with the Harpe vnite:
Then the Faulcon joyn'd with these
May the Roman Eagle seize.
By the faire white Vnicorne,
The Wild-man, the Greyhound, and
Fierce Dragon, that supporters stand,
With Lions red and white,
Which with the Harpe vnite:
Then the Faulcon joyn'd with these
May the Roman Eagle seize.
All the Nymphs straw sundry poses
Made of Red, and of white Roses:
On her Bed wait all the Graces:
Maides to them resigne yourselues
Oh may their Nuptiall loue
In time a blest heire proue
To make famous after death
Frederick and Elizabeth.
Made of Red, and of white Roses:
On her Bed wait all the Graces:
Oh may their Nuptiall loue
In time a blest heire proue
To make famous after death
Frederick and Elizabeth.
A Marriage Trivmphe Solemnized in an Epithalamivm | ||