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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psal. 5. Verba mea.

Ad Præstantem, super Nehiloth. Psalmus David.


Unto my words, O Lord, give eare,
weigh well my wordlesse thought:


O let my crie, where thou maist heare,
my King, my God, be brought.


Thou, Lord, shalt (early) heare my voice,
to thee my praier shall flie:
And of the rising morne make choice
to Heaven to raise mine eie.


For thou art God, in wickednesse
that takest no delight:
The evill shall have no accesse,
nor sojourne in thy sight.


Vain-glorious Fooles before thine eyes
take footing never shall:
Thou hatest of iniquities
the painfull workers all.


The lying tongue shalt thou defeat
with utter overthrow:
The man of blouds, and pale deceit,
the Lord abhorres to know.


But in thy mercies much regard,
thy house will I draw neere;
And to thy holy Temple-ward,
doe worship in thy feare.


Lord, lead me in thy justice right:
and, lest I step astray,
Because of my maligners, straight
before me make thy way.


For in his mouth, no truth sincere,
their inwards, deeps of woe:
Their throat, an open sepulchre;


tongues smoothly taught to goe.


Judge them, O God, and let their fall,
their guilty counsells tell:
Rout them with their transgressions all,
against thee that rebell.


So shall they (aye) that trust in thee,
shout all with joyfull voice;
And thy Names-lovers, they that be,
for covering them, rejoyce.


For thou, O Lord, thy blessing downe
upon the Just shalt yeeld;
And with thy gracious favour crowne
his head, as with a shield.