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The Loves of Amandus and Sophronia

Historically Narrated. A Piece of rare Contexture, Inriched with many pleasing Odes and Sonnets, occasioned by the Jocular, or Tragicall occurrences, hapning in the progresse of the Historie. Disposed into three Books, or Tracts by Samuel Sheppard

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In Authorem Amicissimum suum, Encomiasticon.

Ladies , you that hug the Quill
Of Renowned Astrophil
Here, behold a second Birth,
Tasting of Sydnean worth.
For Pyrocles, here, you may
Find an Amandus, every way
His Rivall; in Clodomer view
Basilius, and his humour too:
This is so like in every lim
To Sydney, that 'twas got by him
I'de sweare, but I should injure then
One of our noblest Shepherds Pen.
See how the Learned shades do meet,
And like Æriall shadowes fleet,
More in number then were spide
To flock 'bout the Dulichian Guide.
The first, Museus, then Catullus,
Then Naso, Flaccus, and Tibullus;

Then Petrach, Sydney, none can move
Shakespeare out of Adonis Grove,
There sullenly he sits; but these
Admire thy novell Rhapsodies.
Dear Friend, which ever shall subsist,
Spight of Oblivion's hiding-mist.
Anthony Davenport.