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The Colonies of Bartas

VVith the Commentarie of S. G. S. in diuerse places corrected and enlarged by the Translatour [i.e. William Lisle]

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[While ore th'vnpeopled vvorld I leade the fruitfull stocke]

While ore th'vnpeopled vvorld I leade the fruitfull stocke

Being to speak of so many peoples remoues as came frō Noe, a hard matter, hee defines, the furtherance of Gods speciall fauour.

Of him that first assay'd the vvaters vvrackfull shocke;
While I by sea and land, all in their places, range,
Discou'ries fortunate of manie a kingdom strāge:
And while of mighty Noe I toyle to spread and twine
Fro th'one to th'other sea the many-branched vine;
O 'what twy-lightie cloud by day shall guide my sight!
What firie piller shall my course direct by night,
To Seats each peopl' ordain'd before the Paire-of-man,
Their twyfold-once estate in paradise began!
'Thou holie-holie Flame, that ledst the Persian Wises,
Who left the coast parfum'd vvherout faire Tytan rises,
To view the cradl' of him, vvhose youth in liuing light
For euer flourisheth, driue hence the gloomy night
That seeleth vp mine eyes: and so my Muse it shall
Search all the darker nookes of this great earthie Ball.
For though my wandring sprite althrough this iourney long
Waue here and there, yet I no vvay more bend my song,
Nor aught do more desire, then to direct and waine
My readers to the Childe that was Diuine-humaine,