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Here begynneth a merry Ieste of a shrewde and curste Wyfe
a Wife Lapped in Morel's Skin
[A merry Ieste of a shrewde and curste Wyfe.]
How the good man caused Morell to be flayne and the hide salted, to lay his wife therein to sleepe.
Howe the good man did byd her Father and Mother to guest, and many of his neyghbours that they might see his wiues pacyence.
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Here begynneth a merry Ieste of a shrewde and curste Wyfe
Thus endeth the iest of Morels skin,
Where the curst wife was lapped in,
Because she was of a shrewde leere.
Thus was she serued in this maner.
Here begynneth a merry Ieste of a shrewde and curste Wyfe